My exercise journal - keeping this blog updated helps me to stay motivated and achieve my goal of becoming a more active bird. Perhaps!
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Last day of Christmas
Back home now - to be fair, it's less dusty here than I expected! I feel that I've done Christmas now - roll on New Year....
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Foggintor Granite Quarry

Friday, 26 December 2008
Big Sur at Slapton

Went to Slapton for a brief wander, looking at the waves crashing against the beach. I'm very lucky that Husband didn't have his camera ready to capture my acrobatics - I was frantically running backwards to avoid an unexpectedly big wave, fell over, but the wave was still coming - so I rolled away, finally resorting to lifting my legs (elegantly) into the air to avoid a drenching - successful, but not graceful.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Happy Christmas!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Catching up
Been to Body Combat every Wed this month apart from today (Christmas eve) and have been running with X - S joined us too! No more gym or swimming adventures to report. Lots of pedalling to work and a v.pleasant ride in the forest 2 weeks ago with Goldfish. Little bit of walking last weekend and some football with my nephews - we were in Northumberland doing my family. We're now in Torquay with my fabulous in-laws for Christmas.
Christmas and building work have definitely impacted on my desire to exercise (negatively) and on my desire to eat (positively bad). I've also been running around sorting out stuff for the Running Group - 5th Jan is looming which is when I launch!
Monday, 8 December 2008
Rempstone Roast Duathlon

I was really chuffed that Husband came along to support me - especially as it required getting out of bed at 7:30am on a Sunday! Freezing cold, crisp, bright day - minus 3 when we got there with a hard frost. No wind though.
With Husband's help, got my bike set into the stand ready for transition (see - I have the jargon!), dangling the helmet and my very-not-racer back pack with it - water, pump, inner tube, multi purpose repair tool.

Within a couple of seconds of starting, I realised my running was completely outclassed! So I stuck to the back of the group and did my best to keep to my pace. The running loop was partially off road - but it was the tarmac that scared me as it was so icy.
Transition to cycling - and I started to catch the others up a little. Two 5 mile loops - and I was lapped towards the end of my first. Little technical uphill at the start, but it was mostly tracks across the Studland heath. Crunching through sections of icy mud holes proved to be the biggest obstacle on the course - fun but messy. There were great views over Poole Harbour - whetting my appetite for a return visit!
On the second lap, I overtook 2 blokes - very satisfying! I aslo passed a few riders who ere having bike problems and 1 accident. To be honest, I felt my performance was very much down to Husband prepping my bike well. A marshall called out to me towards the end to keep my legs spinning as would help to keep them fresher for the run, but I was focussing on the black ice on the road.
Final run and my legs felt like frozen lumps - I wasn't sure I could run at all. My feet were drenched and I was feeling cold. For the first kilometre, I just focussed on getting up to the next gatepost, the next bend, the next hedge and ignored my time. I was really expecting the blokes I passed earlier to pelt past me. Final track section and I managed a very slow lolloping "sprint" - and was chuffed to see people still at the finish to cheer me back! Very surprised not to come in last.
The winner completed the course in 55mins - my time was 1 hour 35 mins 6 seconds - 20th woman out of 23. but I'm really chuffed to have finished. I'd love to do another mountain bike based
duathlon sometime - maybe not the next Rempstone Roast in Jan 09, but poss Dec 09. Might try & persuade C & M to give it a go - I can imagine M especially enjoying the event.

Pleasantly surprised that my cycling was OK - not surprised that it's my running that needs work. Given how athletic everybody looked, I did feel a bit intimidated initially, but soon found that people were friendly and chatty - and very supportive of my efforts! Husband found some people to chat to whilst waiting for me, but I'm very conscious that he was amazing to come out & freeze just to support me.
Went to G's for lunch on the way back - yummy burgers and a very appreciated hot shower.
Cycled home today with my colleague B who's just moved to the area - he's definitely a road cyclist - he got a bit frustrated with my traffic free route!
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Pedal in the forest
26k in the New Forest with Goldfish and Husband. Sunny but a bit nippy (or nippley as the boys insisted - they are strange) and we did the route Kitty devised from Milksham to Burley. Quite a few cyclists out today plus some redwings and horses - no deer today. Sad to report that our flask is no longer as thermal as it should be.
Gym last night - 30mins x trainer, 15mins stepper & some weights machines.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Eastleigh Womens Running Network
Come 5th January though, I'll have to be more hardy because......[drum roll]......[cheerleaders with pompoms]...... Eastleigh Womens Running Network will be extant! I've done the leadership course, the coaching course, I'm an Activity First Aider, venue is sorted (The Hub sports pavilion in Eastleigh) as is the start date. - and there's a facebook page too. It's being advertised on the e-classified board at work, my posters will be going up soon - all systems go.
Back to exercise for now. Gym on Tuesday where I did 10mins X training, 17mins running and 20mins stepper. Yesterday, a London trip meant a little walking - but less than usual as I was heaving 2 exhibition stands around. I'm sure I expended a few calories through nervous energy - I presented at an event and managed to shake all the way through! Only cycled to work on Mon & Tue - due to the London trip & transport of stands.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Swimming not drowning
First task was to convince me that I am going faster than I think. I can't check this alone as I don't have prescription goggles (or surgically enhanced eyesight!) and can't read the clock. I did the 20m length in:
- 37 seconds swimming with my old head out of water style (and this lenght took the most effort)
- 35 seconds swimming with head dipping in & out every stroke
Second task was to get me to pull & breathe before my glide slowed - so more than focussing on the breathing alone:
- 30 seconds! Husband maintains a pace of 27 secs for his 50 lengths - so maybe there is hope for me - although atm, I don't think I could keep this up.
I'm very lucky to be married to a good swimmer. I think he may have been a sea otter in a former life (love of shellfish - check, good at swimming - check, plays constantly in the water - check, covered in dense lush fur - check......).
Gym on Saturday - slow run, but did my 30mins. 30 mins x trainer too. No cycling on Sunday as I was doing the second half of the St Johns first aid course.
Cycled to work today & regretted wearing just 2 layers - bitterly cold today.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Hangovers are not compatible with building work
Achieved quite a bit - Christmas shopping commenced & I found a wickable cycling/walking/running top that looked as if it might help Kitty to avoid dying of hypothermia whilst pedalling to work - it's her birthday coming up very soon. I am confused though as to why outdoor clothing mfrs seem to think that women like to wear nowt but baby blue and powder pink - they should employ Kitty to zap up their colour pallettes!
Lots of dancing last night - very impressed with my new very shiny shoes which remained comfy despite not being flat. Mary Jane straps, wedge heel - and they look good too. Impressed with my colleagues' willingness to bounce around. Only party related injury was from my sequinned dress which scratched my arms enough to leave a faint rash!
Body Combat on Wed was exhausting. Instructor had gone through the archives & dug out some of the most manic tracks from previous releases.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Even better was taking a print out of the suburban labyrinth - so we got less lost on an even paced 4.84K route. Managed to choose fewer narrow pavements & less leaf coverage - all good! We discussed the irritating British habit of not letting you know what road you are on - and obscure house numbering systems & tendency not to display the house number/name - not the case in Vienna.
Apparently X did first aid when she took her driving test as it's an Austrian requirement. My first aid course on Sunday was the first I'd done since being in the Guides many many years ago - and loads has changed. It was certainly interesting and I'm looking forward to day 2 on Sunday. We covered resus stuff, bleeding choking and incident mgt. Husband is going to be my guinea pig for practising recovery position this week!
Gym last night - 30mins x trainer, 20mins stepper.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Kick Glide Breathe

Friday, 21 November 2008
Misplaced in suburbia
We went for a run together for the first time and apart from getting lost, it was great - nice pace, good chat and we covered 5.9km.
I must research better for our next session (already planned for Tuesday)- directions and avoid too many pavements that are completely obscured by soggy leaves. now exists - same kind of thing as the .com site but quicker to load!
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Mechanical stuff
Anyway, cycled to work today & will do so tomorrow. Hopefully cones & bearings will survive 7 miles of flat-ish tarmac - and hopefully we can get replacements this weekend.
I've also been asked to lubricate the chain more often. Sounds a bit mechanical to me. I think it's best to leave these kind of skilled jobs to skilled experts and I should stick to stuff I'm good at. Like shopping, eating chocolate and drinking beer.
We had a day of luverly DIY yesterday - clearing spare room of furniture & stuff and then stripping wallpaper. I'm sure that must have burnt some cals because it definitely tired me out.
Body Combat tonight - Sassy sneaked in a Body Attack track at the end. I shouldn't have gone though - completely forgot about an appointment for a facial - so I will have to phone salon & grovel tomorrow.....
Monday, 17 November 2008
Husband sulked about the pool not being 25m - and about his luverly turquoise bathers (previously referenced!) but I found a major benefit to being in an empty smaller pool - I finally got the swimming lesson I've been after. I've never got the hang of swimming with my head in the water - which has contributed to my lamentable technique & neck ache. Husband blames it - weirdly - for my screw kick that kills my left knee.
Anyway, after 20mins of coaching by Husband (who alleges that he could swim before he could walk!), I felt I was making progress. The trick seems to be to focus only on my breathing and posture - don't even think about am I pulling hard enough etc. The acid test will be whether I can apply it in a full length pool!

Sunday, 16 November 2008
The Great Escape

Friday, 14 November 2008
Sniffle part 2
I do need to think about where to store my commuter bike on days when I don't cycle in though atm because the builders have managed to get cement on it! Nothing major, but I think I will be leaving it in the hall whilst we are away this weekend...
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Much discussion at work over the last few days on bike lights. R was horrified to discover how much I'd spent on new lights - esp as he'd just picked up freebie lights that are one of our company's cyclist incentives. The next day, he claimed that the freebies actually absorbed light rather than emitted it & promptly blew a similar amount of dosh to me on a new LED rechargeable job! B in our team is soon to join the cyclists as he's moving to Eastleigh from Oxfordshire & dislikes cars on principle & preference. He did suggest that R & me join him in the bike shed sometime to compare lights....
Kit discussions with C at work too - it was pouring on Monday morning, her overtrousers failed - not fun for her having to spend the day in damp trousers! I've been quite pleased with my cheap Decathlon trousers so far - definitely waterproof, definitely breathable.
Kitty's raving about cheap reflectives snapbands from Skoolkit atm - pink ones might be a good addition to the lovely branded freebies provided by work so I become a beacon of light on my ride home.
Gym tonight - 10mins x trainer & I then sweated my way to 5K in 27:12 on intervals on the treadmill. My lungs felt spent so I switched to cooldown rather than continue to 30mins. 10mins on the stepper to finish. I skipped weights as I've had a bit of a right shoulder problem recently - slept awkwardly on Friday night.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Making Progress with Running Project
The coaching course was in Swindon & the tutor was one of the founders of WRN - who's a sports therapist. Very knowledgeable, very supportive. I was surprised that about half of the 11 participants were personal trainers or other fitness professionals, but apparently setting up a running group is becoming a popular addition to portfolios. 2 other WRN women - it was great to hear how their groups are going.
The area I probably got the most from was depth on warming up - ways of specifically getting more mobility into the key muscle areas was really interesting. More depth on stretching too - tips on technique and I learned a great new stretch for IBTs - very useful for me as this will help with my damaged knee. Lots of discussion and ideas on how to work with mixed ability groups so that all individual participants enjoy it and get a good workout. I think I'll be able to deliver more structured sessions with a higher level of confidence now.
We've been advised to wait before progressing to level 2 as a new road running course is to launch imminently as opposed to the current endurance athletics option (where the longest event is a 3000m steeplechase - not quite the same territory as a 10K). Only other downside of the course was the venue - it was locked up & we spent the first 45 mins standing in a freezing carpark waiting for a caretaker who never materialised. Fortuneately, adjacent Swindon FC were able to provide us with their boardroom for the day!
I have a venue too - I think! The Hub is a new-ish sports centre close-ish to home. It has parking, lighting, loo and some additional facilities that will be useful from time to time (lovely bar, studio, sports hall, big sports field that will be great for fun games in summer).
Next steps - paperwork, firm up on the Hub & then get advertising underway.
Some exercise today as part of the course - 24mins of running and a little race walking! Apart from cycling, no other exercise since Wed. I had a work dinner on Thursday & fireworks party on Friday. Lots of packing boxes yesterday preparing for builders.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
4 wheels bad
I then picked up my car, went to office, intending to head straight to gym for my body combat class - which would normally save time - but it took an hour to get there! Sitting in the static traffic, pining for my bicycle..... I missed the first 3 tracks so it could have been worse.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Lab Goggle Monday
I also decided that my new front light is effective as loitering yoofs complained that it was too bright on my way home.
Cycling and gym today. We went a bit later - after tea for a change as B & J were over at 7 to pick up some stuff. 20mins x trainer, 20 miserable minutes treadmill (at just 10kph) and 10mins stepper. I also squeezed in the incline press. I think I'm going to blame dehydration again for my lack of running prowess - or maybe having tea beforehand - or just lack of running fitness atm.
Monday, 3 November 2008
This little piggie

Saturday, 1 November 2008
Blisters on my feet and credit card
I quite like the gym on a Friday evening - we go later as this suits Husband with Esporta's lane swimming timetable. Only downside is dreadful TV - I can't cope with Coronation St or Question of Sport! Did 20mins on the x trainer and then braved the treadmill for the first time in weeks. Knee held out, but I only managed 12 mins at my normal interval pace. Then took it down to 10.5kph to complete 5k - hey, it's a start. Concerned though as my feet were very blistered by the end - not sure if it's down to the new trainers (which I've only used a couple of times) or the socks which from past experience, I know aren't really running compatible.
We were supposed to be cycling with G today - along the seafront in Bournemouth - but the weather really wan't seaside so we went out for lunch instead. Feeling a little squiffy atm having just got back from a halloween party.
Fat Bird’s Guide to Exercise – Cycling to work in Winter
But enough whining!
On a crisp, sunny winter morning, pedalling is difficult to beat. And given the extra traffic, there's even more benefit to getting out of a car & onto a bike. Having the right kit makes a big difference to comfort - and as with summer, it's a great way to integrate more exercise into a daily routine.
I find that I have to take more care & kill my speed in quite a few places - the cycle path through the golf course is a bit lethal with wet leaves - a pity as it's the fastest downhill stretch. I m very grateful to Eastleigh Borough Council for putting a less slip surface on the very slippery wooden bridge over the stream at Fleming Park - a tumble there a few years ago meant 2 months of physio....
Have I done it?
Yup and planning on cycling most days this winter.
Unity in adversity against the elements and the recognition that we've lost the fairweather cyclists seems to elicit more smiles & acknowledgements in the bike shed than in summer!
3/5 – As I mentioned in summer, I have a workplace within easy cycling distance. I also live in one of the sunniest parts of the UK that rarely gets snow. But even with all of that, winter cycling is higher hassle - more kit, more wear & tear on bike, more challenges.
Calories per 5 mins:
50 for me. However, as it replaces a drive, dividing total calories by the extra time spent getting changed etc makes it a 200 calories per 5 minutes result. I'm sure the count goes up in winter given that keeping your body warm must use cals!
Fun Factor?
5/5 on a sunny day in the light. Goes down a bit in the dark & when pouring with rain.
Stress relief
Sheer bloody minded smugness when walking into the office - you've now really demonstrated that
you are saving the planet single handed & look lean & buff to boot - well something like that!
Fewer loitering yoofs to pass than in summer.
Shorter queues for the shower at work - which now acts primarily to warm me up!
Drivers are even less likely to spot you.
Extendable dog leads - esp when wielded by an owner engrossed in a mobile phone call.
Leaves - slippery when wet.
Cycle paths aren't gritted!
Winter clothes - esp boots - are heavier to carry.
Salt & crud will do mean things to your bike, making maintenance a must. Husband is great at this!
See the summer guide for basics. In addition:
- Lights - "Light up, light up - as if you have a choice" - Snow Patrol. You can't have too many lights & they can never be too bright. I've invested in a powerful little rechargeble LED number this year as my main dog-lead avoidance tool. I've kept the old front light on as a flashing "look at me, don't run me over" backup. On the back, I have a constant light under my saddle & a flashing LED by the chain. I think the lights are now worth more than the bike....
- Reflective bits on clothes/bags and bands - when you see a cyclist covered in these in the dark, you realise just how effective these are in increasing visibility to drivers.
- Good warm gloves are the difference between getting to work and enjoying the ride!
- Glasses - clear or yellow lenses, nice & big to keep cold winds out of your eyes as well as crud/eye interface prevention.
- Layers seem to be the answer to being warm without overheating. I'm currently sporting thermal cycling tights, breathable t-shirt as a base layer, long sleeved jersey & my waterproof - primarily as a wind stopper.
- Buffs provide much appreciated ear tip warmth! I have heard of using a shower cap in the rain over a helmet but I haven't tried this yet.
- Waterproof bag or panniers so you can change into dry stuff at work.
G is heroically continuing - I'm impressed as she is so not into cold.
C is also carrying on with her much more substantial commute than mine - and Kitty continues to brave her scary route a couple of times a week. Goldfish is still using his single speeder.
Your employer –I'm so appreciating the towels & showers now!
Kit - wiggle, chain reaction, minx, girls run too, she active, venus sports, evans cycles
Big Mac Index: 50 minutes
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Remiss Blogger - I blame crochet
So, my doings:
- Gym last Tue and Fri
- Body Combat on both Wednesdays
- Cycled to work every day except last Thursday (team awayday off site)
- Bowling! Linked to the team awayday.
- Body Attack on Sunday
Body Attack was entertaining - I've done the class a couple of times at Romsey, but never at Esporta. Our Body Combat instructor takes it & was pushing it at the class on Wed - so when Husband declared himself unwell (chest thing), I took the opportunity to go on Sunday morning. And it was fab! Only 4 of us - not great for Sassy, but it meant loads of space for us which I appreciated on the running track. Choreography is reasonably strightforward - but more to follow than with Combat (or maybe it's just that I'm less used to it!). Pleased that I remembered the moves - incuding Superman. Kicking is more Moulin Rouge than Bruce Lee - and it felt weird not hearing Sassy yelling "It's not aerobics!".
Clocks changed on Sunday, so I'm cycling home in the proper dark now. And it's cold! Feeling it in my thighs especially and I'm tempted to look into some longjohns - My new light is fab - proper beam and I like not having to worry about batteries as it's rechargeable.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Ride of 2 halves - and barbed wire

Other hold-ups in part one were a huge puncture for Husband (new tyre time) and a barbed wire/arm interface issue for me - my wounds are pictured here! I was very impressed with the spray on plaster Husband applied - the lower cut was deep enough to be able to see the fat layer (very yuck) but the plaster knitted it together very well. Accident was all my fault - I tried to power over a hummock that I could have cruised over if I'd opted instead for a high cadence/lower gear approach - toppled over onto wire. My lovely paramo top was not too badly torn - just a small hole.
I'm hoping that C recovered OK - I hadn't realised how uncomfortable shoulder problems are making her atm, so I am feeling guilty. She did say how good it was to be out in the countryside - weather was pretty good and we had lots of sunshine through woodland views. The exercise and fresh air helped me to cheer up - I'm letting stuff get on top of me at present. Husband's been incredibly supportive - which helps.
Went to the gym with Husband on Friday night where I continued with a non running mix of x trainer, stepper and weights. I had a good digging session on Saturday working over a bed.
Got very wet cycling home tonight & I must sort out my new bike light - struggled to see anything much on the way home! I had to take the path across the golf course at a sedentary pace - wet surface, dark & lots of slippery slidey leaves.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Fabulous Mother-in-Law's first 10K
I'm really impressed - her running is so good and I'm so pleased that she's continuing after her achievement at Race for Life earlier this year.
I'll blog the activity I've done this weekend later on - just wanted to focus on her achievement first& exclusively!
From a very selfish perspective, it's lovely to be able to talk running with her & even lovelier being able to run with her. I'm very lucky to have such a Fabulous Mother-in-Law!
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Fat Bird’s Guide to Exercise – Stretching

I’ve been going through my exercise books this evening reading up on stretching – and the benefits look hard to define. I’d been told that as muscles shorten during exercise, stretching them afterwards would help the muscles lengthen and recover to a resting state – preventing injury & helping to build performance. “Running Well” – Sam Murphy & Sarah Connors – links stretching to building flexibility which leads to avoiding injury & better performance – but it’s a mixed picture!
Both this book and the WRN course I did advise against stretching before exercise as stretching cold muscles can lead to problems – and there is some evidence that it detracts from muscle power during exercise. Better to warm up properly. But my fave running book "Running made easy" - Susie Whalley & Lisa Jackson - advocates stretching before - arrggghhhh.
Anyway, I’m great at stretching after the gym & running – but for some reason, don’t always after mountain biking. My one criticism of Body Combat is that the choreographed stretching track isn't sufficient as you hold the stretch for only a few seconds - when stretching alone, I do try to ensure I hold each one for approx 20 seconds - this could do with being longer.
My stretch regime (and I know that this isn’t comprehensive!):
· Calf stretch – my calves often feel tight after running
· Hamstring stretch
· Quad stretch (esp after cycling)
· Hip flexor stretch
· Bicep & tricep stretch
· Chest & back stretch
Have I done it?
Yes – but not always as conscientiously as I should!
2/5 –it’s possible to stretch and chat.
4/5 – No excuse not to as no equipment or special kit’s required. And they aren’t difficult.
Calories per 5 mins:
Fun Factor?
2/5 – kind of satisfying after hard exercise
· It might prevent injury and improve performance!
· Quick, straightforward, not too many to master and they transfer well between types of exercise.
· Getting stretches right is important – as is holding them for long enough to benefit.
· My one criticism of Body Combat is that I don’t find the stretching section sufficient – I end up doing more at home.
· I feel self conscious sometimes stretching al fresco - esp as my flexibiltiy is dreadful so trying to get into the right position (esp for quad stretches) isn't always an elegant process!
· Loose fitting clothes or exercise gear
· A wall
Other Stretchers
· My Fabulous Mother-in-law is a yoga addict – which seems to have paid impressive dividends with her fitness and flexibility.
· Runners World magazine - lots of detailed advice & new ideas.
· “Running Well” – Sam Murphy & Sarah Connors – great reference on muscles, injuries and stretching.
· “The Exercise Bible” – Joanna Hall – good chapter on stretching
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Bad knee - not mine though
Back to my WRN project, St John's Ambulance have contacted me about the first aid course - I just need to phone them & pay money to confirm my place. I've sent a second email to the Borough Council as I'm not sure I identified the right sports development person first time around! Once I get the venue sorted, I'll focus on marketing - which shouldn't be a challenge given my job - but it could be a case of the cobbler's kids having holey shoes unless I plan & organise myself properly.
Waterproof trousers got their second airing this morning - I've found a reflective arm band that's doubling up nicely as a cycle clip for the chain side - looks a bit daft, but better that than destroy trousers and chain.
I'm going to be switching to my new helmet very soon - a friend's had a very similar nasty face smashing cycling accident to the one I had 3 years ago (ie lower face/tarmac interface) and her boyfriend's already enquired.... so she can have my current helmet as soon as she's ready to ride again. I can sympathise - uncomfortable, painful and it took a long time for my confidence in my appearance to recover as well as my riding ability - but both have come back!
Monday, 13 October 2008
First Aid course
Project running group is progressing. I've requested a booking on a St Johns first aid course for 2 Sundays next month. It's specifically for outdoor activities which will be useful for mountain biking (although I hope I never have to use it!). Also did paperwork for the FIRW course booking. Husband's new boss's girlfriend (keep up with the degrees of separation!) has apparently expressed an interest in helping me out which would be amazingly useful. Browsing the WRN site, I've found operational groups in Salisbury that I should go along to to gain experience/ideas etc....
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Running project - part 1

- Next Step: do the UK Athletics Fitness in Running and Walking course.
- Sort out a venue and start date - will prob need to contact EBC & others for help with this!
- Get myself on a first aid course (it's not mandatory, but I'd be happier with it).
- January - start Eastleigh Womens Running Network group with a 10 week Beginners Course.
Which is all kind of scary! Still, the course organisers seemed to think they'd be able to support me remotely - and there are various resources to draw on. Everybody on the course was lovely & it was interesting to see a real mixture of ages & reasons to want to become organisers - some were alrady keen members & wanted to to progress to organising their own group, some setting up groups linked to local health initiatives. I was the only non-Devonion - and to be honest, the lack of groups close to home is my biggest worry. I will blog the project's progress!
Anyway, it was good to see my fabulous In-Laws. Husband went fishing with his folks on Saturday whilst I was in Plymouth & enjoyed glorious sunshine on the coast.
Very important run on Sunday - did my beach hut run for the first time with my Fabulous Mother In Law. She's doing her first 10K race next weekend. So impressed with her progress - she's faster than in May but she can sustain the pace well. She's also shown me an enhancement to the route - a cut across a playing field giving feet a much appreciated grass break! Breakfast at the hut - a bit misty as shown in the photo, but quite warm.
Went to Torre Abbey in the afternoon - just opened after 3 years of restoration. Husband's ankles were punishing him for standing on the beach for most of Saturday, so we wandered gently around the house, art exhibitions & gardens in glorious sunshine (the mist had lifted). Photo is from a section which had a wonderful dressing up box of women's underclothes - I was trying a corset with saddlebags....
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Time for my fingers to hibernate
Shall do some research & place results on my letter to Santa! However, I couldn't wait for a new front light - so a new one is en route - more on that when it gets here!
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Value for Money?
Anyway, body combat tonight - actually arrived with about 2mins to spare before the class started for a change. The current routine includes my nemesis - push ups - standard & tricep dip versions. I'll know I'm fit when I'm able to do one! H & I were trying to decide why BC instructors strap up their hands a la boxers - concluded that they help S to look cool but that we'd look daft.
Beautiful day today for cycling.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Gaffer tape tailoring required
I retired my legs from my commute on Friday as it's been getting chillier- it's been thermal tights this week.
Gym last night - 10mins stepper, 30mins x trainer then just 10mins on the treadmill.
Only other activity to report is a brief visit to the allotment tonight - although we were primarily harvesting which wasn't exactly energetic! Still, having the fridge stocked up with kale, leeks, beetroot and carrots will definitely help with eating healthily!
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Just in time
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
New kit for the winter
Apart from the trousers not really working, body combat was good - new routine! Loved track 6 which is apparently based on capoeira with a cool lunge kick move thingy. Music - not as good as some of the other routines this year although Fall Out Boy cover of Beat it was nearly as good as the Alien Ant Farm version (OK, I like unexpected covers - e.g. Richard Cheese's version of Only Happy When it Rains).
One way bike ride today - I had a hire car yesterday to go to Shrewsbury & Hertz seemed to think I needed a humunous Galaxy. This meant that the easiest way to get car back to office afterwards was to simply bung my bike in the boot & pedal home tonight.
Monday, 29 September 2008
Better Cocking Experience

Gorgeous day - bright sunshine, not hot, virtually no breeze. The chalk terrain was so much easier than earlier in Sept as it hasn't rained heavily for a couple of weeks. The route didn't disappoint - quite a few climbs for M (aka the whippet) to zoom up, some fab descents, mixture of farmland, deciduous woodland, conifer forest and glorious downland (esp close to Goodwood). I enjoyed leaving the navigation to the boys.
Husband took out his SNFS (Shiny New Full Susser) for the first time & apart from a harder saddle, got on well with it. He reckons it's going to take a little while to get used to bumpy downhills where he's used to getting feedback from the
back wheel - whereas now that's transformed into suspension bouncing. I can't really comment as I completely chickened out & walked the long descent he was talking about!
After the ride, we retired to the Moonlight Tea Rooms in Cocking for a very pleasant lunch in their garden - proper tea in proper teapots!
Other stuff - gym on Friday where my knee still didn't feel up to 30mins jogging so I did 10mins instead plus more time on x trainer. I tried a new Nautilus machine - weird split treadmill that you walk on with each half switching incline each stride - odd! Apparently it burns more cals than running - not entirely convinced. Also used lat pulldown and weights rower.
Lots of gardening on Saturday - including digging over the tomato bed at the allotment. Cycled to work today.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Fat Bird’s Guide to Exercise – Cycling to work in BST

Sociability? 2/5 – kind of sociable – often get chatting to a colleague whilst locking up bike & occasionally bump into B or Goldfish on my way home.
Convenience? 4/5 – My commute is only 3.5 miles and due to heavy traffic, I can pedal the route as quickly as driving – only additional time is showering & changing.
Calories per 5 mins: 50 for me. However, as it replaces a drive, dividing total calories by the extra time spent getting changed etc makes it a 200 calories per 5 minutes result!
Fun Factor? 5/5 on a sunny day. Goes down a bit when pouring with rain.
· Stress relief – I can really notice the difference in my mood when I drive versus cycling.
· Seeing more of my neighbourhood.
· It’s integrated into my routine so it’s easier to keep up than, say, going to the gym. Rather than seething with road rage, I get to burn calories! As it replaces a car commute, it’s turned sitting on my bum time into exercise time.
· No issues with parking.
· Toned legs!
· Smug self satisfaction at saving the planet single handed....
· Traffic – drivers are great at not seeing me, overtaking me too closely....
· I’m not great at manoeuvring into tights in the shower room at work! I tend to choose clothes for work that aren’t too heavy (no knee length boots) and that don’t need ironing!
· Difficult to transport big stuff.
· Getting past teenagers on paths can be stressful – I have been hit by a flour bomb, but to be honest, 99% of the time it’s fine.
· Pre planning is required to get to off site meetings.
· A bike! Good idea to borrow one to start with rather than buy something you end up not using that much. Many types to choose from – I like mountain bikes or hybrids coz of the upright traffic viewing riding position. However, road tyres make pedalling easier than knobblies & so far, the armadillo reinforced tyres I use have protected my tubes from punctures.
· Additional kit – lock, helmet, something to carry work stuff in. A and C both use panniers, I like my Crumpler bag. Bags/panniers seems to be an area where the more you spend, the better the quality and as you don't want to be changing into soggy clothes when you get to work, probably worth spending!
· I also wear gloves and take a waterproof jacket. As I get changed & showered at work, I wear similar gear as for mountain biking – breathable t-shirt, sports bra, cycling shorts, skirt, trainers, buff.
· I am really good at delegating bike maintenance to Husband – who does a great job! I don’t even carry a pump as my commute is so short – longer and I would be taking inner tube/pump/multitool.
· I don’t cycle with my ipod as I like to be able to hear the cars who haven’t seen me.
Seems to be becoming ever more popular. C started riding to work a few months ago on a fab new bike funded by a bike to work scheme. A’s also been riding to work more this summer. Both of them have a much longer commute than me – and both have the weight & stress of transporting laptops. G has my former hybrid & is putting it to good use for her commute. Goldfish does a cycling sandwich on a home made single speed with a train journey in the middle.
· Your employer – mine provides showers, towels, a covered locked bike shed, training sessions and free lights/reflective stuff. They are also looking into the tax free bike purchase scheme.
· Staring at a local OS map can pay dividends – find new routes.
· Sustrans website can also help to identify routes.
· I regularly think about joining CTC – good lobbying plus membership included personal liability insurance. Must do that....
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Olympic Gold Medals
No flour on my pedal home tonight & I went to gym with Husband. No treadmill or stepper as my legs are still recovering from Sunday. The x trainer and bike seemed to be OK, and I did some weights.
Monday, 22 September 2008
The Folly of Not Training for a Race

Thursday, 18 September 2008
Eeks - need to do more exercise!
Big D is going OK - but I'm at G's tomorrow for dinner and out for a meal on Saturday, so a few challenges to my very feeble willpower coming up. Recent Big D discovery is Waitrose Cassava Crackers - properly spicy and 80cals a bag. We buy 2 multipacks though as Husband's philosophy is that he needs to eat 2 bags at a time to get a full on crisps hit (hmmmmm). Our other addiction on the high taste/low calorie front is Waitrose light ginger ale - I'm sure that I read somewhere that ginger is an appetite suppressant.
Body Combat yesterday - it worked its magic at transforming me from weary slug to (almost) a human being. I'm enjoying chatting to H at this class - she's a work contact of Husband's. Pedalled today.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Only my ride to/from work to report as I have another week of early starts & late finishes. I resorted to "I have to leave now as my bike doesn't have lights yet" this evening - only to find that my lights are attached and (even more surprising) actually working after 6 months of idleness.
Picked up my new car yesterday - my lovely-but-expensive 2L Focus is now a cute little red Panda. Better fuel consumption, lower insurance & tax and (so far) seems to be a sharper drive than I was expecting. I shall be driving it tomorrow as I have to be in a store by 7am....
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Husband's Nemesis met & overcome...

Friday, 12 September 2008
My va va voom is MIA
Quite a bit of walking on Sunday. We started with a gentle wander on the Downs at Devils Dyke – fab views. One the way home, stopped at Petworth to look at the house & had another walk through the deer park. I felt exhausted afterwards!
Cycling this week has been more tiring than usual too. I drove on Thursday but compensated by working in a store all day lifting & shifting kitchen doors – which has to burn at least a few calories!
Gym was rubbish on Tuesday – I managed a full 17 minutes on the treadmill before accepting defeat! I did manage 14mins on the stepper and 10 on the x trainer. Body Combat was fine on Wed though – so I guess I am recovering.