Tuesday, 25 November 2008


Very cold today - I'm huddled on the sofa wearing a fetching combination of PJs, socks and a big woolly jumper atm! So I wasn't best pleased to find a cold shower at work - hoping that it's fixed by tomorrow. I cycled from work to X's & opted to wear my very warm running tights under my very warm cycling tights - it worked pretty well.

Even better was taking a print out of the suburban labyrinth - so we got less lost on an even paced 4.84K route. Managed to choose fewer narrow pavements & less leaf coverage - all good! We discussed the irritating British habit of not letting you know what road you are on - and obscure house numbering systems & tendency not to display the house number/name - not the case in Vienna.

Apparently X did first aid when she took her driving test as it's an Austrian requirement. My first aid course on Sunday was the first I'd done since being in the Guides many many years ago - and loads has changed. It was certainly interesting and I'm looking forward to day 2 on Sunday. We covered resus stuff, bleeding choking and incident mgt. Husband is going to be my guinea pig for practising recovery position this week!

Gym last night - 30mins x trainer, 20mins stepper.

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