Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Mechanical stuff

My bike isn't very well. Goldfish has kindly checked it over, and concluded that the cones and bearings (which are probably important) are dying. Husband is sorting parts for me & Goldfish has offered to to the mending bit.

Anyway, cycled to work today & will do so tomorrow. Hopefully cones & bearings will survive 7 miles of flat-ish tarmac - and hopefully we can get replacements this weekend.

I've also been asked to lubricate the chain more often. Sounds a bit mechanical to me. I think it's best to leave these kind of skilled jobs to skilled experts and I should stick to stuff I'm good at. Like shopping, eating chocolate and drinking beer.

We had a day of luverly DIY yesterday - clearing spare room of furniture & stuff and then stripping wallpaper. I'm sure that must have burnt some cals because it definitely tired me out.

Body Combat tonight - Sassy sneaked in a Body Attack track at the end. I shouldn't have gone though - completely forgot about an appointment for a facial - so I will have to phone salon & grovel tomorrow.....

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