Thursday, 18 September 2008

Eeks - need to do more exercise!

I'll have done 125 minutes of exercise this week by the time I pedal home tonight - but according to a study by University of Pittsburgh, I'll have to do an extra 150 minutes this week if I'm to lose weight permanently - the magic number is an average of 275mins per week! So, pedalling tomorrow will take it down to 110 mins, Beaulieu 10K on Sunday will be 55mins (hopefully!), leaving 55 mins to do on Saturday - so long as we go for a bike ride, I'll be fine!

Big D is going OK - but I'm at G's tomorrow for dinner and out for a meal on Saturday, so a few challenges to my very feeble willpower coming up. Recent Big D discovery is Waitrose Cassava Crackers - properly spicy and 80cals a bag. We buy 2 multipacks though as Husband's philosophy is that he needs to eat 2 bags at a time to get a full on crisps hit (hmmmmm). Our other addiction on the high taste/low calorie front is Waitrose light ginger ale - I'm sure that I read somewhere that ginger is an appetite suppressant.

Body Combat yesterday - it worked its magic at transforming me from weary slug to (almost) a human being. I'm enjoying chatting to H at this class - she's a work contact of Husband's. Pedalled today.

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