Monday, 13 October 2008

First Aid course

I was glad of the pedal to work today as I didn't sleep well (too warm - bizarre for October!). Gym tonight - but no running as I've still got an IBT (outer knee strap muscle) problem from the Beaulieu 10K. I have found an exercise in Runners World I'm trying out on it - kind of hangining off the stairs, waggling my hips - very elegant! Anyway, at gym, I did 30mins x trainer, 20mins stepper, incline press weights machine & 5mins on th weird nautilus split treadmill thingy - I actually enjoyed the stepper so maybe doing more than a cursory 10mins on that works better for me.

Project running group is progressing. I've requested a booking on a St Johns first aid course for 2 Sundays next month. It's specifically for outdoor activities which will be useful for mountain biking (although I hope I never have to use it!). Also did paperwork for the FIRW course booking. Husband's new boss's girlfriend (keep up with the degrees of separation!) has apparently expressed an interest in helping me out which would be amazingly useful. Browsing the WRN site, I've found operational groups in Salisbury that I should go along to to gain experience/ideas etc....

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