My exercise journal - keeping this blog updated helps me to stay motivated and achieve my goal of becoming a more active bird. Perhaps!
Monday, 28 December 2009
Had a Happy Christmas

Monday, 21 December 2009
Top 40 update
2. Follow a crochet pattern - done with R's booties (very easy one though)
3. Crochet something wearable that isn't a scarf - done with R's booties
5. Make some homemade Christmas presents - done! Pity my female relatives!
10. Finished a George Elliot Novel - finished Mill on the Floss
17. Used my wii fit lots
26. Fixed a puncture all on my own (almost!)
33. Great South Run - done
35. A non-running WRN event - as the Mince Pie Run was more of a ginger balance/walk - and was much more about the mulled wine & mince pies, I figure it counts!
39. Slept in our tent
6. Make something from foraged food - my sloe cheese was a disaster - so back to the drawing board
21. I've bought a water butt - haven't fitted it yet though
22. Loft insulation- you wouldn't believe how long clearing it out is taking!
25. Bought the paint for redecorating living room
9/40 - hmmm, plenty to be getting on with! I guess I won't need any more resolutions this year!
The Mince Pie Run

Back to mine for mince pies & mulled wine - expertly served by Husband - in our very warm dining room.
It was great to get the different runners in the different time groups together. And Husband was able to put names to faces at last!
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Ice and mood enhancement

The ride did the trick with my mood and I feel much more relaxed now. I had been hoping that the treadmill last night would work - but no. It was a short but quite satisfying session with a nice solid 20mins of intervals. Husband should have been swimming but the pool was shut due to having been vomited in!
Just cycle commuting on Thursday, made a little more challenging by lugging 2 bottles of liqueur in my panniers.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Not to plan
And no pedalling today as I had to go to Portsmouth for work. None yesterday as I went to London. I did walk to & from the station in freezing weather.
Very proud of the Beginners - they completed their 30 minutes last night with aplomb. More important than my pride, I hope that they are all feeling suitably proud of themselves.
Running was good on Monday too - with one of the Beginners doing her first WRN 5K.
All good!
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Sunshine in Noss Mayo

Husband's legs withstood a 5ish mile walk near the intriguing named village of Noss Mayo on Saturday - loved the coast views from NT stretch called The Warren. Woodland with creek views through the trees, then up & over a hill back to the car. He was suffering afterwards though - shuffling when we popped into Dartmouth to see the Candlelit Christmas thing (great Irish band).
I got to do my favourite beach hut run this morning with my Fabulous Mother In Law. Nearly couldn't as I'd managed to leave my running tights at home - but despite being a svelte size 8, FMIL managed to find a pair of shorts my bum would squeeze into. I'm hoping that I haven't stretched them too much! We tried a variation that avoided the worst hill and involved some downwards steps - interesting, but I prefer the original.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
My first puncture repair

Big news is that I fixed my first puncture, with a little supervision. And it was a back wheel one. And I patched it rather than just swap the inner tube. Another Top 40 thing to tick off my list.
No deer, but some pretty birds at the beginning - loads of bluetits and a couple of nuthatches, and a v.handsome fox in the carpark at the end.
Other exercise this week - I tried tempo running with J on Monday. This consists of running faster than's comfortable. The benchmark is speech - normal steady runs have normal steady conversation. Tempo running means mono syllables - but not as fast as sprinting. We did it as a pyramid - after warming up & a steady paced start, we did 1 min at tempo followed by 1 min at steady pace. Then 2 mins at tempo, then 3. Decided that would do for now, so repeated 3, then did 2, finally 1. It went OK & we did the 5km in under 30 mins.
Cycled to work Mon-Thurs, but had a day off on Friday so heaved around 60L boxes of books instead.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Goggle Grump Update
- First pair - grey lensed speedo - lost.
- Second pair - black speedo - worked fine but cut into my eye sockets, making me look like a red eyed panda after a few lengths. Pain did take the edge off my swimming experience.
- Third pair - lovely lilac lensed speedo - leaked badly, causing pool rage to set in as I attempted to tweak every length.
- Fourth pair - considered stealing Husband's zoggs as they work perfectly - but instead bought my own at a ludicrous £17 from the gym shop. And they are perfect! Big lenses allow a degree of peripheral vision (a bit academic as I am a speccy four eyed creature and swim in soft focus). No leaking. Comfortable - even with hair/strap interface. Easy to adjust. Very happy!
41 lengths and I feel I'm starting to really get used to this head-in-the-water concept - so much that I was able to try & get my arms to perfom better. More upper body strength would be useful - I managed to burst into tears today when husband presented me with a too heavy box of books from the loft & I found myself stranded in pain half way up the step ladder. Not my most dignified moment! He did rescue me.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Uber Burley Loop

We were still drenched though thanks to loads of surface water - and I got cold - esp at the end. My top half was well insulated with a wool base layer and windproof top - but my bum and legs weren't warm after first soaking.
I also managed to burn 140 calories on the wii - not quickly - in between jewellery construction.
My knee and backside have been a bit achey this week so all I did after Body Combat on Wed was pedal to work & back.
Running went well on Monday - and I think I have the sessions scheduled OK for the Christmas break. I do need to do some research and thinking on training plans though - so the group can approach the Eastleigh 10K next year with a measure of confidence.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Why haven't I been to Bristol before?

Lots of rain on Saturday. We got drenched waiting for ferries - but still enjoyed getting our bearings on the water.
Bit of a Brunel theme started - SS Great Britain was much more interesting than I expected. Husband told me about his Grandad being on HMS Exeter in WW2 when it was shot almost to bits, limped into Port Stanley & cannibilised metal from SS Great Britain's scuppered hulk to become seaworthy again.
Fabulous catching up with J & B that evening - and meeting their very cute son for the first time.
Got up a bit late on Sunday & walked over to Arnolfini to see a Climate Change art thing before breakfast in a cafe/bike shop. Then more Brunel - Clifton Suspension Bridge and a walk up to the Observatory for a better view.
Shopping in Bath was a bit disappointing, but the Spa was good. Busy, but apart from not having enough showers, it was well able to cope with the numbers. I loved looking out over the cityscape in the dimming light (and rain) from the rooftop pool - but goggles weren't needed. Very pleased that hugging Husband was socially acceptable in the pools - it was kind of romantic in an odd way. The water didn't smell bad - but didn't taste great - kind of old badoit! Steamrooms were very non-plastic and immaculate - although we couldn't tell which aroma was in each. The meal included with our package was better than we expected. I was surprised that we had to rush at the end in order to meet the 3 hour deadline - I'd expected to have exhausted its charms much sooner! My skin is now very soft and I almost relaxed. Not a cheap way to spend an evening - but enjoyed the experience - and it's another Top 40 objective ticked off.
Friday, 20 November 2009
A good week
Feeling a bit achey in the legs and feet tonight - weirdly, foot ache went away when running. I did better on running intervals than any session over the last few months, keeping it up from 12 mins to finishing at 30. I'm going to have to do more though - way off my Eastleigh 10K target pace.
Wii fit plus is here. The new calorie count feature satisfies my inner anorak - and confirms my hunch that it's nowhere up to "proper" cv work in terms of energy burned. It's not a huge deal for me as I tend to use the wii for yoga and muscle stuff. Some very odd new games - the cycling is especially odd.
I have invested in new goggles ready for a spa visit on Sunday - really looking forward to going away esp as some work pressure has just been eased. I'm almost feeling human already - much earlier than last weekend.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Goggle Grump
Windy pedal this morning but the weather calmed during the day and it was dry for running. Not a great turnout tonight but enjoyable, speed with first group & hill with the second. My knees are aching which I'm really hoping is a temporary state of affairs.
One of the runners was telling me how much fitter she feels now - I'm reallly chuffed for her. It makes it all seem worthwhile!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
In touch with my inner anorak
Husband went cycling yesterday whilst I had a most enjoyable afternoon with G. The only glitch was having my purse swiped - in a busy shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon. John Lewis scored huge brownie points - their Card Services team were really helpful when we came in to stop my partnership card - allowed me to use their landline, looked up phone numbers and even brought us both a pot of tea. I now intend to do as much of my Xmas shopping as poss in John Lewis!
So apart from my wii fit, no exercise to report since Thursday. Hoping to do something today.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Back on the bicycle
No pedalling at the weekend as my folks were here en route to a stint working on a cruise ship - have convinced Dad that they are really galley slaves. The ship will slow down when he's teaching bridge as there will be one less rower...
Anyway, enough of the excuses. Gym on Sunday and tonight - overheated big time tonight as the ventilation is up the spout, probably due to the gym renovation.
Running was calorie-anorak-interesting on Mon & Tue as I took all groups bar the beginners on the same route. The one we looped back to do a little speed used 451 calories. The gentlest one used 331 calories. So that's 120 extra down to higher intensity and 0.21km more distance.
Friday, 6 November 2009
I am a slug
Gym last night - I hadn't been for so long that I didn't realise that it's getting a spruce up. This includes some "floor classes" - so my new mission is to persuade Husband to give a Spinning class a go with me sometime.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Curiouser & Curiouser
Useful chat about development - I think I may need to review my top 40 objective to become a level 2 coach - might investigate alternative ways to improve my running coach skills.
No pedalling today as I was due to attend an off site meeting - which was moved to on site. And my Panda is being serviced tomorrow - so another petrol fuelled day.
I definitely spent a few calories on Saturday night bouncing around a dancefloor if the level of sweatiness I achieved was anything to go by! Nice gentle relaxing Sunday followed.
Body Combat tonight - haven't been for so long that the routine had changed. I'm plesaed that the new tracklist includes Metallica!
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Dimpsy at the end

Sunday, 25 October 2009
Great South Run

I was very excited to meet WRN members from Canterbury and Weston Super Mare at the start - and to actually bump into L. We ran the first few miles together which was great. I also bumped into L from Garmin on the run too, looking very steady.
Not much other exercise to report this week bar lots of walking on a business trip. I was grateful to WRN members for allowing me gentler runs!
Monday, 19 October 2009
Quick pick sloe
Only got around to picking them on Sunday - right at the very end of their season here in the deep south - on a pedal from the house. And as the ride took all afternoon, the fruit is now sat in the freezer awaiting inspiration... sloe cheese could be on the cards.
Anyway, the bike ride! Just me & Husband on the parched tracks of central Hampshire. Up to Owslebury, over to Cheesefoot head, bit of South Downs Way, back around to the normally mushy Park Wood track then home. 44.3km& a very pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Husband sustained a really good puncture - big metal staple, part one of which was visible on the ouside of the tyre. Part 2 had completely separated & was in the inner tube. First, tried to change inner tube but it was one with an extra long & delicate valve (schraeders are so much more robust...) & had to be discarded. Super patched the holey tube successfully.
Very confused to see some poppies & cornflowers close to Cheesefoot Head. Crimson spindle berries, dark red hawthorn berries and leaves on the turn to golden, red and brown.
Running tonight & I tried to take it easy as I have the Great South on Sunday.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Chocolate & subs for
However, there are a few substitutes that form part of my chocolate intake.
Not shown here is my recent discovery of FairBreak wafers now merchandised perillously close to the coffee shop till at work. Something a bit kitkat like about them and not too bad on calories (110ish) and these have now replaced Freddos as main threat to my diet.
I share a liking for the Special K Bliss bars with Mum & Dad. Has to be the orange version - the raspberry one is too sweet, but I think my fondness for marmalade also plays a part. The dark chocolate base is just about sufficient for a cocoa hit.
I've included a recent discovery here - Waitrose gave me a voucher for a free pack of macaroons - smart marketing as I've failed to avoid them since. As with the Bliss bars, just enough dark chocolate to matter.
Combining 2 of my loves has potential. Beer flavoured icecream may not be a wonderful thing, but I love chocolate icecream. Skinny Cow bars are fabulous - fewer calories than many yoghurts & infinitely more dessert like in my warped opinion. Only hitch is that my local Waitrose has switched from Triple Chocolate to a toothpaste flavoured abomination - and the stock of the revolting green version doesn't seem to be declining. So my fix can only be achieved on our occaisional ventures to a big Sainsburys.
Finally, I thought I was the only person in the world who liked nakd bars*. Bought a multipack on impulse, tried 1 and wasn't convinced at all. They claim to be uncooked and fruit packed (lots of dates) but there is cocoa there together with a unique earthy taste. 4 or 5 bars later, I was hooked! Very filling for a little calorie count, chocolatey enough to work and pretends to be virtuous. Again, the cocoa one is the only one I like. I have witnessed many (OK, Husband and Goldfish) be suckered in by the brand name only to be hugely disappointed & not sure that they are really food. So I was surprised to hear somebody not me extol their tastiness and chocolateyness - HC from running. I am no longer alone....
* = this logic is clearly flawed as Waitrose continue to stock them & I'm sure that my purchasing alone wouldn't justify their shelf space.
Friday, 16 October 2009
A little more conversation please
Bumped into Kitty doing her WRN homework - her halo was shining brightly!
4km - 6km, I was accompanied by a bloke on an invalid scooter with 2 incredibly fit looking red setters. He was updating me on my speed - very sweet if not necessary for a Forerunner wearer.
Later, a fox shot out ahead of me, disappearing into a hedge. A cyclist coming the other way convinced the fox he was cornered & he shot past me again.
High fived a yoof who was giving encouragement (kind of!) at 11km.
So quite an eventful run!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Last night was first ride home with lights - summer is over. And it will be pavement runs only with WRN now until March April. Sigh.
London trip today and as I am not sure I will be up for a gym visit later have been walking as much as possible - hence gherkin pic.
Monday, 12 October 2009
PW for me at Beaulieu 10K
Not the case for the other 5 Eastleigh WRN runners - 4 of whom were doing their first ever 10K race (and for 3 of them, I think it was their first ever 10K). All acquitted themselves brilliantly. LH was ahead of me all the way through. I did the first 4km with N before she moved on. Spotted K later on looking extremely comfortable. Spotted C & LW making their way over the finish line looking great.
Panniers were christened today - full load including laptop. The bike feels heavier but I think I'll adjust OK. Braking is really different with the weight so far over the back wheel and I can't do my dreadful powering up hills using my weight to push the pedals down - no bad thing I guess. All my stuff stuffed in very easily with plenty of room to spare and the transition to office was fine.
Running tonight was the first time I've kept a second long sleeved layer on - quite chilly. I was really chuffed that X came out with the Advanced group - and she ran very well. 4 runners in the 8pm standard group. Neither group was very speedy tonight - we all seemed to find it hard work. I think I need to rework & structure the warm up a bit more for colder weather when it's even more crucial.
Saturday, 10 October 2009

Bike Pimped but Languishing in Shed

So it's a shame that I haven't tried it out this week. Work's required some very late nights, logistics of hire car petrol filling, an awayday & a presentaion in London.
Work's also meant much less exercise than normal - even the wii has been under used.
But in the spirit of talking about what I have done, I ran 15km on Monday (albeit with a break at 10K) and did a day's much needed gardening on Sunday. A couple of walks - to paper shop, station and an eco house in Woking.
Not really any great surprise though that I've gained 4lb this week.
Monday, 28 September 2009

Our new tradition of No Cook Friday (which I'm really enjoying) resulted in a little walking in high heels in Winchester between pub & cinema.
And next to no exercise on Saturday bar the wii.
Sunday was more active - I saw off P, K & L who were cross country running in Hursley (their first race) then went mountain biking with Goldfish, X, S and Husband. S & X were curious to try the South Downs Way to see if doing the full thing in May would be a good training goal. Unfortuneately, X wasn't well so we changed our plans slightly - which pleased Husband as it meant we were able to do one of his favourite impossible downhills. It's been tamed a little though which means it's just steep now as opposed to lethal. Beautiful weather- golden autumn light.
I swam quite well later on - up to 50 lengths now & the breathing is so much easier! I tried to think "hands are paddles" - still got some work to do...
Running tonight. Did some speedwork with the 7pm group then 5K with the 8pm group.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Top 40 list progress
2. Follow & execute a crochet pattern - will probably be baby bootees - thanks for the patterns K!
6. Inflict something homemade on all female relatives for Christmas - I have a commission from Mum for a green based necklace - and I feel inspired to attempt baby proof stuff for my sisters.
10. Finish a George Elliot novel - ordered Mill on the Floss today
13. Do a press up - vaguely tried tonight at Body Combat but reverted to boxed after just one failed half hearted attempt!
14. Swim a mile with proper breaststroke - getting better at swimming so may attempt this soon.
16. Use my wii fit - success, enjoying it!
29. South Downs Way - have signed up for this on a mountain bike in May
30. Try somewhere new for mountain biking - looks like this will be Portugal in May
31. Do level 2 coaching training - have attempted to sign up for a course at the end of Oct, but have bee thwarted by Run in England's web site!
33. Great South Run - feeling really confident about this now that I know I can do the distance.
34. Half marathon - this will probably be the WRN women only one at Castle Combe in April
36. Go somewhere new - Portugal planned for May - learning to sail
38. Try out a different spa or gym - plan is hatching to try the Bath one in November...
39. Sleep in our tent -yup, done!
So, two completed so far. Not amazing progress, but I'm not panicking yet. The goals I'm most concerned about are 1 (getting thinner), 13 (press up), 27 (berms) and given my lack of speediness, 32 (10k in under 55 mins).
Juliana was back as Body Combat instructor - good reminder of how good she is. Her control is so sharp and she motivated us really well. Had a spot of walking too as I had another London meeting.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Bloke Flu

Very grateful that I didn't pass the virus over to Eastleigh WRN's Z who completed the Great North Run on Sunday in a very creditable 2 hours 33mins - impressive stuff, especially as she ran it all and raised over £500 for the Alzheimers Society.
Due to my life threatening illness, I didn't do much apart from cycle to work on Wed & Friday and some wii-ing. Gym on Friday was kept gentle - 5 mins running on the treadmill and I was dead, so switched to x trainer!
Lots of walking at the weekend at the Boat Show and at the Goodwood Revival - I especially enjoyed the latter & plan to go in costume next year. The pic is of Rowan Atkinson going around the circuit on top of a mini...
Monday, 14 September 2009
Camping Revisited

- Only in sunny weather
- Only one night at a time
- Adjourn to pub for eating
This weekend qualified on the weather front & I found a couple of appealing bike rides in Dorset that were a tad too far away for a day ride. Found a campsite at Osmington, rechecked forecast & packed the car with vast quantities of stuff.
Saturday's ride was 14.5miles, starting from Maiden Castle south of Dorchester with 490m of ascent. Real mix of terrain & scenery - loved a stretch along a chalk ridge at the beginning with sweeping views of the coast - and then Hardy's monument (that's kiss me not far from the madding crowd Hardy). Foresty bit, heathland and some fields, finishing up with a strtch of tarmac. It was surreal at the end seeing HRH's toytown of Poundbury on the left and the giant earthwork of Maiden Castle on the right.

Thursday, 10 September 2009
My first 10 mile run
We did a figure of 8 route - starting off climbing up through Stoke Park Woods as it would have been criminal not to on a beautiful evening! The rest of the route was road - and comparatively flat - so we did the hard bit first.
And we did it! 110 minutes which I'm pleased with - esp as the aim was to simply do the distance, not to push speed. J did the first 7.5K as she'd planned. So good to have Z, J and L to chat to which made it enjoyable rather than a slog. And the Queen of Pacing's skills were much used - my knee was starting to declare its presence after 9K, but all I had to do was slow slightly to Z's perfect speed and it cleared.
Best of luck to Z - I'm convinced she'll be fine with the half marathon based on tonight's run. And I'm no longer dreading the Great South - just need to watch my pacing!
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Pedal, wii, mackerel and mixed feelings at running

Friday, 4 September 2009
Does technique make a difference?
Following a fruitless search for my goggles, we went swimming tonight. I'm finding the head-in-water thing much more natural and I had no half drowned moments - a result!
Less successful wer Husband's spare goggles which dug into my eye area quite painfully - I now know why they are his spares.
I really appreciated Husband giving me some coaching at the end - my arms haven't been contributing very much to my stroke which I now know is more down to lousy technique than my lack of upper body strength. So next swim will require:
- Not drowning - still getting my breathing better!
- Using my hands as more definitive paddles (as opposed to vague ones)
- Not letting my hands come further back than my ears when pulling back.
Did some wii sport later - he beat me at tennis again & I attempted the boxing game which exhausted me as I didn't worry about technique and simply pummelled my opponent!
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Soggy Wednesday
I haven't rambled about kit for a while - so here goes - essential cycling wet weather gear:
- Waterproof socks.
- Waterproof overtrousers. I dont bother for showers or drizzle, but these make a big difference when it's pouring.
- Bicycle clip to prevent overtrouser/chain interaction. I never have one and have been using a reflective snap on band instead which performs quite well. None with me yesterday so I tucked overtrousers into socks - not a good move as water then trickled down the top of the sock....
- Waterproof bag. My Crumpler is pretty good at keeping my office clothes dry, but it struggles a little with very heavy rain and puddle spray, hence:
- Carrier bag(s). Anything I don't want to get damp gets an extra barrier.
- Wateproof jacket - ideally with zip pockets so I'm not scrabbling in my bag for keys etc, getting contents of bag unecessarily soggy.
Shoes were still wet this morning as were my gloves (my waterproof ones are winter only) so have switched to drier alternatives for the day.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Staycationing in Northumberland

The trail was 12 miles long. Deadwater has had its red rating disputed by some as it has black leanings in places - Lonesome is also likely to be discussed but more in the other direction as it seemed more blue in areas - not esp technical (yay!) but enough challenges to keep the little grey cells ticking over. They seem to be in the process of adding more bits to it so I'm hoping that it grows more comfortably into its grade. All a bit academic really as I still chickened many sections! I did manage the north shore at the summit - a rarity - but it is a whopping 2m wide apparently to counteract the strong windy gusts across the exposed hillside. Husband did very well. I loved the views - especially with purple heather contrasting with red rowan berries (the latter is the sign of a hard winter apparently).
Middle sister, BIL and my nephews D (4) and C (nearly 1) came over so we spent the day at Cragside where we all got the chance to try adventure playgrounds - their trim trail is designed for 10-adult. I still can't do monkey bars! Fair amount of walking around the grounds - landscaped hillside, lakes providing HP power to the innovative house, formal gardens all surrounded by Northumberland hills. Pleased to discover that it takes much more effort to allow D to just about win running races now!
Coast on Sunday - 22 mile bike ride from Dunstan (should have been Craster but we couldn't get a parking space) whilst my folks walked again. Easy bridleways and byways. There was a scarecrow fete thing at Rennington which was entertaining - never seen an ostrich scarecrow before! Stepping stones across the river Aln were non existent so we took off shoes & socks to wade across. My favourite bit was along the stunning coastline - views to Dunstanburgh castle to the north, sand, rockpools, seabirds, fabulous! We took the bikes onto the beach at Boulmer to try out the hard sand. Very different to Friday's ride, but just as memorable.
Very grateful to parents for hospitality - which included packed lunches which
We got back in time for a little allotmenteering before running.
The Beginners are no more - they all ran 30mins non stop so are now Intermediates. I also enjoyed the earlier standard run (soon to be renamed the advanced run I think!).
Big achievements tonight as well - 5K in under 40mins which I know is a milestone for L - both she and J ran really well.
30mins wii-ing tonight, 15 last night. Have discovered that I can't do shoulder stands.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Activity catch up to Thursday
Instead, Fabulous Mother In Law and I went out on Monday morning for a damp but enjoyable run.
Bits of walking on Sunday - including a wander down to Babbacombe, back up Oddicombe.
Running went well on Mon and Tue and I think my scheduling headache may have a resolution brewing...
And that's all - apart form some wii fit.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
40 things for 40 project - the list
1. Get into size 12 jeans (defined as Uniqlo - brand makes a difference!)
Making things:
2. Follow a crochet pattern
3. Crochet something wearable that isn't a scarf
4. Make vanilla ice cream
5. Make some home made Christmas presents
6. Make something from foraged food
7. Bake soda bread
8. Make a curry paste from scratch
Culture stuff:
9. Discover a piece of classical music that I don't already know
10. Finish a George Elliot novel
11. Watch Citizen Kane
12. Go to a circuits class
13. Do a press up (not boxed!)
14. Swim a mile of proper head in water breast stroke
15. Try pilates
16. Try a dance class
17. Use my wii fit
18. Use our canoe
Home & Green stuff:
19. Grow something new to eat
20. Plant a tree in the garden
21. Fit a water butt
22. Get a thermal mug to wean myself off disposables at work
23. Improve our loft insulation
24. Redecorate hall & landing
25. Redecorate living room
Bike stuff:
26. Fix a bike puncture all by myself
27. Get the hang of berms
28. Get the hang of my GPS
29. Do the South Downs Way
30. Try somewhere new for mountain biking
Running stuff:
31. Do level 2 coaching training
32. Eastleigh 10K in sub 55 mins
33. Great South Run
34. Half Marathon
35. Organise a WRN non-running event
Travel stuff:
36. Go somewhere new
37. Go to the Isle of Wight
38. Try a new spa or gym
39. Sleep in our tent
40. Organise a work social event
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Granite Way

Friday, 21 August 2009
Proper hills and random boulders

Thursday, 20 August 2009
Scheduling dilemma
Some walking this week - station to home on Monday and home to park & ride site on Tue as I had a visit to London on Mon afternoon & left bike at the office.
Too dead to wii on Monday, just 15 mins on Tuesday but over 30 yesterday - it made for guilt alleviation for pizza that I had over at D & W's later on! wii fit is now my friend as it's telling me that my age is 39!
Sunday, 16 August 2009

M & I were both glad we'd opted for a t-shirt single layer as the sun soon came out. Husband employed wrangler style whoops to shift ponies out of the tunnel under the dual carriageway where they were enjoying the shade - I'm sure they soon wandered back in.
There's normally top entertainment in Burley and today was no exception - a birthday girl and buddy were squealing wildly whilst vaguely attempting to ride a tandem. The squeals were inferior to C's guinea pig squeals - although I was relieved to not hear too many of the latter today as I was hoping she'd find the ride gently pleasant.
A little gardening when we got back - Husband had to mow the lawn as we have a rat problem atm. i did venture into the back garden - giving my feet a sauna in wellies. And a little wii tennis in addition to 30mins wii fit.
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Like Richard Hammond's hair....
Lots of exercise today - 30mins wii-ing plus after which I discovered that Husband likes the wii sport tennis game. And spent the afternoon carefully exposing pak choi, beetroot and leeks by removing a jungle of weeds.
Friday, 14 August 2009
Wii and swimming
I've been having fun with the wii too - esp hula hooping (might have the courage to try the real thing sometime at G's now!) and the neglible fitness benefit balance skiing game. The yoga isn't driving me to rage as it's very functional & it's single moves so I can pick'n'mix.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Cognitive Dissonance
I had a very enjoyable few drinks last night with friends to celebrate my actual 40th – so today started with a 50 minute walk to the pub to retrieve the panda.
I was really touched to receive a bunch of flowers from runner L yesterday. Runner K sent me an e-card – and runner P came along to the pub & presented me with a bottle of Lucozade!
My quads have been painful this week. I think it was down to running on Friday followed by an active weekend. I was truly rubbish for the standard run on Monday and was very happy to keep to a gentle pace for the beginners session. Still painful on Tuesday – so much so that I contemplated accompanying the intermediates on a bike! Instead, we opted for the flat Itchen Way route – runner N was dancing around the nettles Jason Robinson style! Runner D is preparing for a triathlon next year so I need to work out how to support her best.
So with even achier quads, I drove to work yesterday and I’m not cycling today. No plans for exercise tonight as I’m seeing CS for the last time on her UK visit. Might cycle tomorrow as the pain is less today – and am thinking about a swim as the least painful option. And playing with my new toy!
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Fabulous Fortieth Birthday Celebration

After much deliberation, I took up Husband's suggestion of a weekend away with my buddies in the Forest of Dean - on the understanding that he would organise it all. He did a superb job - as did my uni friend E who acted as local fixer as she lives there.
We arrived with G on Friday evening, meeting up with my Fabulous In Laws, M, C and M's offspring JA and MA. We had a wander around Parkend village - lots of woodland, a pretty church and some mud! Met up with everybody else for beer and a meal. Surreal moment when a sheep vaulted over a wall into the beer garden!
On sunny Saturday morning, Husband, CS, X, S, Fabulous in Laws and the As headed with me to Symonds Yat where we spent the morning cruising down the Wye on big canadian style canoes. CS and I made the most of the river, investigating every bit of bank, tree, rock and swan - nothing to do with our steering! Green and pleasant. Lunch by the river then we went to a bit of forest close to Parkend to do Go Ape.
CS, G, Kitty, Goldfish, S, X and me made up the first group, with the As following an hour later - we couldn't get a booking together unfortuneately. We were harnessed up & briefed - all the time we were above ground we were attached securely to wires. X was amazing - she seems to have no fear and was very balanced, scampering across the course. I wasn't so good - but agility and balance don't really fetaure in my skill set and I'm nervous & shaky getting up the loft ladder at home - so perhaps I should apply some perspective! CS opted to be our photographer after the first section - very much appreciated and I love the sillhouette pic you can see here. G looked very Lara Croft down the zip wires, Goldfish managed to drop his specs (retrieved safely) so completed the course in soft focus, S did well to follow X and Kitty had a very determined look! M is a climber & reckons that the trick to a lot of the sections was to do them quickly. My arms ached afterwards & I'm keen to try it again.
Barbecue followed by cupcakes and rounders in the dark where we girls beat the boys (assisted a little by the fading light). Lots of fun.
It was a bit chaotic on Sunday for cycling - E & J were having major problems with their & their kids' bikes. I enjoyed a 22.8km ride with J - he was doing very well on a road bike on the forest tracks. Husband explored the mountain bike course with Goldfish, S and X.
Finished my weekend with lunch at a crafts centre - excellent ice cream in a sunny garden. I'm really grateful to my friends for giving me such a fabulous weekend for my 40th!
Friday, 7 August 2009
Achey legs
Lots of cycling to work this week, getting v wet yesterday.
Body combat on wed, running with wrn on Mon and Tue. Experimented with intervals this week - needs more thought on how to make them fun 4 the groups.
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Sunday, 2 August 2009
Ellisfield plus a bit more

Thursday, 30 July 2009
Solution to a clothing problem

Solution is loungewear. I've gone for a shortsleeved dress length hoody sweatshirt and the first non-exercise leggings that I've worn since the 80s. I could wear it outside without controversy and very surprisingly, Husband likes the outfit lots.
It's probably a good thing for my bank account that my 2 favourite clothing stores atm (Muji & Uniqlo) don't have branches in Southampton...
Walked to station at an ungodly hour this morning & then walked from Waterloo to Victoria. Pretty picture will be added when mobile decides to talk to laptop. No other exercise today apart from exploration of Euston station as it was exacuated (fire alarm) and weaving through crowds to aforementioned stores from tube station.