Friday 16 October 2009

A little more conversation please

My last long run tonight before the Great South - 16K in 103mins so a tad quicker than last time - but it was more important to me to prove that I could do the distance. I missed the WRN runners though - chunks seemed abnormally long without a quality conversation to occupy my head.
Bumped into Kitty doing her WRN homework - her halo was shining brightly!
4km - 6km, I was accompanied by a bloke on an invalid scooter with 2 incredibly fit looking red setters. He was updating me on my speed - very sweet if not necessary for a Forerunner wearer.
Later, a fox shot out ahead of me, disappearing into a hedge. A cyclist coming the other way convinced the fox he was cornered & he shot past me again.
High fived a yoof who was giving encouragement (kind of!) at 11km.
So quite an eventful run!

1 comment:

Kitty said...

I missed the WRN runners too - an iPod with music and giving me minute by minute beeps is no substitute! At least I bumped into you.