Saturday 20 October 2007

More Sloes

I was looking forward to a boogy on Friday at O'Neills in Bournemouth with G - but band were truly rubbish - we couldn't take the cover of teenage kicks! Nice evening though - good to natter with G.
Short bike ride with Husband today to pick sloes - for gin this time. Sloe cheese was not a great success. My legs were a bit achy so I just did 5K for my Saturday run - less than 30 mins. I did get a breather though at 4.5K - cows were ambling along the lane post milking & I seemed to be spooking one of 'em too much to be able to overtake without risking being kicked. I guess that's the downside of running a route that includes a dairy farm!
So just about enough done today to justify the beers I've been downing tonight - I'm very pleased the score wasn't 36-0!

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