Thursday 4 October 2007

Long ride from home

The blogging rate will decline once I'm back at work - honest!

Did a 46K ride from home with Husband in the sunshine which took nearly 4 hours of riding time. 1044m total ascent - not too shabby. I tried to priorities roads we either haven't ridden before - or ones which we've only ever done one way. Some hits, some misses. Husband really has sped up on the hills - I will have to work now to stay ahead.

All good apart from the low sun making flint spotting challenging in places & the wonderful farmer who decided to plough up the bridleway by Park Hill Woods making it un-ridable. Husband is going to have to learn to love the alternative route home (uphill on a busy road from Fishers Pond) for a bit until horses pulverise the furrows into something we can pedal across.

It's been a brilliant break - even with having our plans adapted by Husband's wounded arm. Back to normal tomorrow though...

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