My exercise journal - keeping this blog updated helps me to stay motivated and achieve my goal of becoming a more active bird. Perhaps!
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Body Combat - yay!
No way no way I think you need a new one [run & jump, yelling loudly]
Not sure if I actually like Avril Lavigne's selling out single (Gwen Stefani did cheerleader chant so much better), but it worked reasonably well as a bounce around Body Combat track. I haven't been for ages - mostly coz in order to make the 6:15pm start time I have to shoot out of work very promptly when cycling. But it was great - I should make the effort more often. Mad instructor who's good at boosting technique - nearly like her as much as Juliana....
It also meant that I avoided trick or treaters - as did Husband (but only coz he was home late) so it's now a case of pretending that ther aren't bags of sweets in the hall!
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Congrats to G!
2 commutes and I'm discovering the joys of cycling home in the dark. I'm lit up like a Christmas tree - 2 front lights, 2 back lights, light on my bag & reflective armbands, bits on my jacket & bag.... It's slower in the dark as I have to brake more on the faster cycle path downhills to avoid any hazards under the leaves covering the ground. Fewer teenage boys to negotiate though!
Gym tonight - just had time for 10 mins on the X trainer & my standard 30mins interval work on the treadmill - I found the running much easier than on Sunday.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Eat my mud

Friday, 26 October 2007
Today, I hoped that pedalling to work would help to clear my hangover - but not entirely. Still feeling too delicate this evening to go to the gym - and I had chips for lunch (comfort eating- good gossip & catch up with a former colleague) - so not a virtuous 48 hours.....
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Couple of days break from the bike
Gym this evening - 15 mins X trainer, 33 mins interval work on the tread mill (5.34K in 30 mins) and a brief stint on the lat pulldown resistance machine.
I measured my body fat - only coz there was a machine handy & I was curious - 35% seems high but it demonstrates I've got plenty of work to do!
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Fat Bird Essential Kit Part 3 - Commuting Bike Bag

It's better than the one I was using as the strap goes tighter - so I can "wear" the strap across my chest, keeping the bag's bulk tight to my back. This means I'm not thrown off balance by my bag swinging around whenever I stop. It's also more comfortable as the weight's distributed over more of my torso.
Benefit over a rucksack is stuff-ability - it's easier to throw all the rubbish I take to work in & get at it easily when I get there.
Other nice-to-have features include:
- Waterproof.
- Single handed seatbelt type catch to loosen/tighten the front strap - operational with gloves on.
- Reflective strip.
- Looks cool, coordinates with my orange windproof top layer.
- All the pockets are within the main bag. This means that all the contents are exposed whenever I get out my lock - including my clean clothes. The pockets also make it difficult to isolate my clothes from the lock/pump/shoes.
- Less incentive to pack light.
- Easier to lose my keys!
So new bag is now stuffed full of trainers/jeans/t-shirt/deodrant/hairbrush/socks/shower gel/mobile/purse and is adorned with its own flashing light.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Skating & Cycling
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Oxdrove Ride

S & X did the official shortcut, bringing it to 15 miles. Husband, M & I created a new short cut (switching back at point 27).
Beautiful autumn day with bright sunshine. For no real reason, I felt very sluggish at the start & was contemplating not going - luckily Husband was unsympathetic & I'm glad I did go! I enjoyed going through some impressively deep puddles - I love my waterproof socks very much.
One of the reasons that we cut it short was that we also needed to squeeze in an allotment visit to harvest squashes (butternut & a variety that looks like a mini traditional pumpkin) and plant broad beans - both objectives were achieved. This entailed a little digging.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
More Sloes
Short bike ride with Husband today to pick sloes - for gin this time. Sloe cheese was not a great success. My legs were a bit achy so I just did 5K for my Saturday run - less than 30 mins. I did get a breather though at 4.5K - cows were ambling along the lane post milking & I seemed to be spooking one of 'em too much to be able to overtake without risking being kicked. I guess that's the downside of running a route that includes a dairy farm!
So just about enough done today to justify the beers I've been downing tonight - I'm very pleased the score wasn't 36-0!
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Time to switch to winter mode
10 mins X trainer, 30 mins interval work on the treadmill then devoted more time than usual to the resistance machines - rower, lat pull down, incline shoulder press and leg press.
Then blew any benefit on fish & chips on the way home!
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Also walked into town to meet up with J for an excellent gossip & catch up!
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Damp tights
Gym in the evening - 10mins step machine, 30 mins interval work on treadmill then used 3 resistance machines (incline shoulder press, lat pull down and rower).
Monday, 15 October 2007
Fat Bird Essential Kit Part 2 - Buff

It's difficult to explain the usefulness of this tube to non-buff converts, but its uses include:
- Keeping hair off face whilst exercising. As a floppy fringed bird, I find this is the most satisfactory method of ensuring my mop doesn't drive me nuts when running/cycling/skating - no hair sticking to face and vision unimpared.
- Bike Helmet Liner - improves comfort esp as it's seam free.
- Shower Cap - makes quick showers when I don't want to wash my hair easier. It dries really quickly too.
- Preventing sunburn to scalp when I've forgotten a hat.
- Neckwarmer. And earwarmer - even nose warmer on occasion....
- Holding ipod ear phones in place.
Disadvantages - the price means that I don't feel comfortable adding buffs to my Christmas list - hence I have just 2 - not enough to co-ordinate with all other kit. And the bandana look is v.Axl Rose...
Anyway, exercise today comprised the cycle commute and skating. The latter wasn't as much fun as usual as there was a large group of boys in - all skating aggressively and incompetently - chaos on the rink!
Sunday, 14 October 2007
X has a new bike
Bike ride today from the house with Husband, M, S & X. 30.75k also from the house, ascent of 799m. We had to revise our plans at Morestead as red flags were flying, so a slightly shorter route than anticipated. We did a few trails today that we'd only ever tackled the other way. I fell off twice - trying to change rut and later coz I was too close to S who stopped. Scratches but no real damage.
I really enjoyed today's ride - good nattering, interesting light and a stretching route. And it was a good op to see X's shiny new bike in action!
Friday, 12 October 2007
Full week of commuting by bike
Anyway, not speedy today - 21:50 to work, 23:04 home again. Husband has replaced my front inner tube which should help my speed on Monday (and mean less pumping - twice today as my tyre was completely flat this morning and in the evening).
Thursday, 11 October 2007
So many calories
Gym too tonight - 20 mins on the X trainer, 30 mins interval work on the treadmill and 3 sets of reps on the incline chest press.
So a huge 1100 calories burned!
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
More commuting
So faster today - got to work in 19:58, got home in 20:33.
Also got stranded at an off site meeting - I need to plan transport more carefully now I'm sans car at work...
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Fat Bird Kit - Gadgets, Clothes and Stuff
Monday, 8 October 2007
New Job, New Commute
5.72km journey took 21:42 this morning & 22:08 to get home excluding stopping for traffic.
Only problem is my bag - strap won't adjust to go tight across my chest. So surfing for a new one atm.
Skating tonight with G - 3 turns are still elusive....
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Beaulieu 10K
Lots of walking yesterday - hard on the feet but I'm not sure if we covered much distance - went to British Museum with Husband and A to see the Terracotta Warriors and Craftng Beauty - a beautiful exhibition on modern Japanese crafts. We kept the Far East theme going with a good lunch in Chinatown.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Long ride from home
Did a 46K ride from home with Husband in the sunshine which took nearly 4 hours of riding time. 1044m total ascent - not too shabby. I tried to priorities roads we either haven't ridden before - or ones which we've only ever done one way. Some hits, some misses. Husband really has sped up on the hills - I will have to work now to stay ahead.
All good apart from the low sun making flint spotting challenging in places & the wonderful farmer who decided to plough up the bridleway by Park Hill Woods making it un-ridable. Husband is going to have to learn to love the alternative route home (uphill on a busy road from Fishers Pond) for a bit until horses pulverise the furrows into something we can pedal across.
It's been a brilliant break - even with having our plans adapted by Husband's wounded arm. Back to normal tomorrow though...
Mini Break in Peaks
Monday, 1 October 2007
Surreal Cemetery Moment
As I went past the little local cemetery at the end, walking to cool down, there were 3 chickens scratching about amongst the head stones - which looked odd. And at the other end, a deer was tucking into the numerous flowers! He gave me a look then carried on munching. If any Bishopstoke resident is reading this & is concerned about mysterious damage to the flowers left for your loved ones, it may not have been errant kids, just a hungry deer having its tea...