Sunday, 26 July 2009

Nettle tingle on legs - yup, another bike ride!

Just cycling on Thursday. Lots of walking on Friday as I spent the afternoon in the Science Museum seeing how the professionals explain complex stuff like global warming to us effectively - even had a mini run to catch my train!

Only exercise on Saturday was digging up potatoes at the allotment - I felt like a wombat as pulling the soil away with my hands was the most effective technique. This was whilst pest control expert fumigated our house to dispose of clothes moths.

Proper exercise today: 28.73km of mountain biking with Husband, X and S. We did the Abbotstone Down HCC route that I haven't done for ages. It's not difficult but is stretching enough to feel that I've ridden now - it uses a bit of the Ox Drove way and numerous bits of bridleway and farm track. It kept on spitting, but no proper rain until we got back to the cars - very well behaved weather! Sad when Husband despatched a rabbit that was sat by the side of the road, far gone with mixy - such a horrible disease and I'm pleased that Husband gave the bunny a swifter end. Good hear about S & X's holiday on a canal boat thing in France - I am very tempted to give a boat based holiday another go some time!

Not even going to log failure on the Big D front - esp last night when Kitty & Goldfish came over for a barbecue and I rediscovered beer. Let's just say that tomorrow is another day - one when I hope to straighten my halo...

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