Sunday, 19 July 2009


Big D - non existent. Been resisting the temptation to comfort eat properly though. Beer is calling to me from the fridge...
Exercise - negligible unless housework counts

Normally on Sundays, I post a pretty picture of the Hampshire countryside and talk about cycling. Today, I was woken at 4:30am by Husband (who'd been working late) telling me that the lounge is infested with clothes moths who've been feasting on the carpet. Couldn't sleep as I kept on trying to work out how many wool based clothes I own! And then we had a fabulous day of cleaning, broken up only by a very welcome cup of coffee with Kitty and a shoe rack quest at Ikea. I've washed every wool based item of clothing, emptied all cupboards, sprayed, tidied clothes back in, removed 5 carriers of stuff that I'm not going to wear again. Husband worked hard too but I'm glad he spent most of this afternoon asleep as he's out working again tonight.

The only silver linings:
  • I have a reason to dispose of the lounge carpet! It was limiting options for paint colours and we need to redecorate this year.
  • There is only one other carpet in the house & that's not wool and already up for replacement as it's falling apart.
  • None of our clothes have been chomped.
  • Have discovered many items I'd forgotten about.
  • Space in the wardrobe for more clothes!

Doesn't quite make up for the house smelling of flyspray & the modern take on moth balls (OTT floral scent added to what are presumably insecticide laden discs). Fun fun fun.

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