Monday, 7 July 2008

Desperate Measures

It's finally happening – my jeans don't feel as loose as they should & I struggled on the treadmill last night. So it's (yet another) attempt to get the Big D underway again. As continuing the momentum beyond 2 days seems to have been my issue recently, I need to address motivation – in particular, making the connection in my head between fat on me and fat on my fork.

I also need to think about some carrot style motivation to accompany that stick! So here's my contract with myself for this week – if I stick to my calorie allowances up to next Monday, I will treat myself to something (no idea what yet!). Sticking = 1652 calories a day, not eating my exercise calories, but allowing myself to "bank" calories for later in the week. Next Monday, I'll report on my success (+ve thinking!).

With regards to exercise, I need to ensure I'm not over reliant on cycling to work & that I do at least something else about 5 times a week in addition to commuting. And that if I don't cycle, I sub with another activity that day.

Anyway, went for a 45 minute walk in Stoke Woods with Husband on Sunday in a gap between showers to prevent cabin fever setting in. We went to the gym later on where I switched from treadmill to x trainer after 10 minutes – I felt very dehydrated. Boredom was alleviated by catching the end of the amazing Federer/Nadal match on the gym's TV screens. I joined Husband in the spa pool afterwards for a spot of relaxation.

Cycled in today – got moderately drenched so my concerns moved from cabin fever to trench foot! Feet were then treated to a pedicure & some fab neon orange nail polish (Jessica Day Tripper fyi).

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