I also received a cute watercolours set from G so that I can develop my painting further - it's in a very compact little box & I'm looking forward to trying it out. X & S gave me the mother of all corkscrews - amazing tool! B & J gave me some seeds & a veg patch planner - all very much appreciated! It was a good evening - good to catch up with lots of people I hadn't seen for a while - helped by mini muffins supplied by G which spelled out "happy birthday G**" - tasted good too.
No hangover, but I was very reluctant to leave my duvet today. Did the HCC Cheesefoot Head ride with Husband, Kitty and Goldfish. We were harassed by a manky looking werdly brave magpie in the carpark who seemed to enjoy pecking husband's tyres!
30km route & a useful training session for the South Downs Way which we plan to tackle in a couple of weeks. T-shirt number 2 was one of the Paramo tops that Mum & Dad gave me for birthday and it seemed to do the job well - breathable, comfy & was less pongy than I expected afterwards. Another good opportunity to get used to the pack I'll be using on SDW.Kitty's fitness is coming along fantastically - and it's fab to be able to natter whilst pedalling! She's managing her energy levels with sugar tabs which seems to be paying dividends.
Visit to the allotment later on - blight has meant green tomato chutney production...
1 comment:
erm - you didn't specify bold lobster , you specified crustacean. The lobster and bold was wot you got. It was close between that or a crab.
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