I’ve split this from treadmill running as I find that it occupies different territory for me. Running’s given me some great milestones in my exercise history – highlights have included my first ever 5K which I did with G on Bournemouth seafront a few years ago, first ever 10K with Kitty (Eastleigh 10K), breaking the 1 hour 10K barrier last year at Beaulieu, Great Manchester Run with Middle Sister, Race for Life this year with my fabulous Mother In Law.....
Having said all that, I haven’t always enjoyed the training. A couple of years ago, I decided to quit – but weirdly, that seemed to be the turning point for me – only running when I fancied it was the key and I found that as I lost weight, I seemed to fancy running more. Husband has been a huge support – coming out to cheer me on whenever I race and accompanying me training on his bike.
Have I done it?
Yup. I’m pretty slow, but I run about once a week outside.
4/5 – It’s been great to jog & chat.
3/5 – Almost any place, anytime, anywhere and mapmyrun.com has been a good source of ideas for routes. However, I don’t like running alone in the dark in winter and I also dislike hot weather – I’d rather be rained on!
Calories per 5 mins:
60 calories (based on my weight & speed), 360 for a 30min run
Fun Factor?
3/5 - Events are fun, but training is less so unless running with a buddy! Ipod helps a lot as does my Forerunner.
Big Mac Index: under 42mins
- Very satisfying! I find running my best stress buster.
- Many milestones are out there – Race for Life is a superb place to start as it’s so inclusive and raising money for charity can be a great incentive.
- Seeing more of my neighbourhood.
- Being able to run wherever – for example, my Torbay Beach Hut run.
- Discovering interval training has increased my speed considerably - which makes me feel that my training is progressing - good motivation!
- Safety – I prefer to run with others, esp if it’s dark or I’m off road. If I’m alone, I ensure somebody knows where I’m going & my rough ETA.
- There’s an adage about there being 3 types of runners – injured runners, getting-over-an-injury runners, about-to-get-injured runners.... blisters are my most frequently encountered issue.
- Idiots - I have had problems in the past with lovely people yelling at me from cars which makes me feel self conscious and has put me off going out. The buddy factor has helped me enormously in getting over this. Other good solutions are big sunglasses/baseball cap/ipod to filter out people.
- Running shoes – don’t believe people who tell you that running is free exercise! Trainers that suit your running style are essential to avoiding blisters/pain & I suggest going to a specialist running shop to sort out what will suit your style and foot type best. And they will cost upwards of £60....
- Sports bra – another essential!
- Gadgets – I find my ipod shuffle essential when I’m running alone & I love my Garmin 305 Forerunner that tells me how fast I’m going – esp as I’m rubbish at pacing.
Other Runners:
- C has been a very patient running partner in the past & she’s recently started doing 10Ks again.
- C’s husband M is so much better than me – he looks like a proper runner! Have spotted him a couple of times in the woods as he does a similar circuit to me....
- Fabulous Mother-In-Law took up running earlier this year & did fantastically at Torbay’s Race for Life.
- CS has found that running in Singapore suits her well – apparently, the trick is to accept that you are hot & sweaty even before you start!
· Runners World magazine & website – includes listings of races
· http://www.womensrunningnetwork.co.uk/
· http://www.mapmyrun.com/
· “Running Made Easy” – Susie Whalley and Lisa Jackson
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