Not a good run @ gym - I only managed 20mins. Made up the time on the x trainer & a rare session on the stepper. I think I'm still not drinking enough during the day (I'll spare you the details of how I'm convinced about this!). Cycled to work every day this week, so I'm not too down about the treadmill. Getting down about my comfort eating though - which is a vicious circle. Husband replaced the batteries in the scales so I have no feeble excuse not to be back on the straight & narrow next week.
Half a bottle of rose & I'm thinking too much! Feeling a bit purposeless and drifting atm (trying not to blame being 39 & child free!). I was planning to train as a gym instructor as a kind of personal development/breathe some new life into my own exercise project. Been thinking whether that's the right vehicle or not, so I've been emailing around about a couple of potential volunteer ideas today - will report if anything looks likely to happen!
Anyway, inspired by the Economist, I've decided to "enhance" the Fat Bird's Guide to Exercise with my own Big Mac index - i.e. how many minutes exercise are required for me to work off 1 Big Mac. I've edited the 2 guides I've blogged so far (Running on a Treadmill, Running Al Fresco) to include it.
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