So Saturday's beach excursion was the first - and may well be the last of Summer 08. Husband, Goldfish, Kitty, G, C and M all came along. I swam (a little bit) with Husband & we played a little frisbee - C was great at leaping to grab it - managed to look elegant! M had the short straw as he seemed to have to paddle out to retrieve the frisbee a few times.
I'm including walking as an activity for Saturday as our camp was a little way down the beach (in our defence, it was the first people free spot when we arrived at 4ish) and I seemed to walk up & down a few times (to meet G, to use the loos on top of the cliff, to put some more parking time on the car). I did feel guilty at our distant location when W & J arrived & trekked over to join us in bike leathers!
Lots of food (including Husband's first attempt at home made sausages!). I drank lots of beer - so was v.grateful to Kitty for driving. The sun shone & nobody got frostbite - not even G.

Bike ride today - Husband, C, M and I did a 20km route from Preston Candover. Drizzled a bit, but we didn't get too soggy. It's a good route - seems to be more down than up (steeper ups) and enough tricky rutty bits to keep the little grey cells working as hard as my legs.
C's guinea pig squeals (TM) proved a great early warning system when cycling behind her of any big rocks or obstacles. I tried to persuade the boys that it would be considerate of them to squeal too so that C could also benefit - to no avail.
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