Monday 7 April 2008


I’ve been reading about the Biophilia Hypothesis – which is that nature makes humans feel good. There’s an article on the Guardian website comparing trail running to road running which cites this idea. I haven't a clue if it’s got legs (no pun intended), but I do feel more motivated to get out & do exercise if it involves being in the Great Outdoors and being able to see it (i.e. during daylight hours).
Sunlight is a big thing in itself. So much easier to get myself on my bike now I’m leaving in daylight – although seeing the sun rise was pretty impressive for a few weeks.

One thing I love is seeing seasonal change. There’s a really small patch of bluebells on my commute route and every day I’ve cycled past them, I’ve felt something lift inside me. Primroses, snowdrops and violets all have the same effect. Edible factors – wild garlic was interesting in Wales & picking sloes was great last autumn (although drinking the sloe gin was even better).
Wildlife spotted on bike rides has included my first hare, many deer (including a white stag in the forest) and buzzards.

There are minuses – seeing a rat causes my stomach to churn – but does make me run/pedal faster (away from it). Hawthorn penetrates tyres really well and briars shred my limbs (worse than brambles). And there are dogs. My biggest gripe there though is owners who use the nearly invisible extending leads & are so busy chatting on their mobiles that they don’t realise they’ve created a great trip hazard!

Anyway, cycled to work today (said "hi" to my bluebells) and went to the gym tonight (30mins interval work on treadmill, 10mins x trainer & a brief stint on the incline press).

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