Saturday 1 March 2008

Running and Rugby

Another 10K this morning - better organised route but I messed it up by not going down Ladycutters Lane due to a scary looking loose standard poodle - I think dog bite experience has had a little impact! Very slow - 64mins - in my defence, 70 odd steps were ascended and there were a few gates and stiles. I did stop the timer & switch off ipod to walk across railway line. The ipod crashed drastically later - just as I finished so I wasn't too annoyed.

Husband arrived at lunchtime - I'd really missed him esp as it has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster over the last few days. After lunch, set off with him, Sisters, P and D to see Tynedale RFC play Rugby Lions - conclusive victory of 32:5 (photos to follow when I get home) - so about 3 miles of walking to add to my day's activity.

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