Friday 15 February 2008

Gym Lite

I've had a bit of a cold this week - not very extreme, just lots of sneezing & snot production - but enough to scupper my plans to visit Princess A this weekend - will go up next weekend instead for Baby Sister's birthday. Enough of a cold to mean that I've needed a bit of a sit down after cycling to/from work. But cycle I did on Thurs & Fri - grand total now stands at 333.77km. And according to the yoofs hanging out at Fleming Park, I have a nice arse.

Gym tonight but Husband banned me from the treadmill in deference to my current affliction. So 30 mins on the x trainer, lots of weights and a rare stint on the stepper machine.

I've booked a 2 day mtb course in Wales for Easter. I was asked about my objectives - it's simply to be able to keep up with the boys down vaguely technical hills.

At work, S was talking about the Body Attack class she's taking tonight - it looks like it's a class/circuits sesh hybrid - it will be interesting to hear how it went on Monday. But Monday seems a long way away atm - weekend! It's been a long old week.

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