Sunday 17 February 2008

Carrots hurt my back

Kind of! Went to the allotment yesterday with Husband to sow carrot seeds. Sifting the soil is compulsory if we are to end up with good looking carrots - something Husband has appreciated in the past (but this time, I was wearing many layers and a sports bra - less fun for him!). Despite recent dry weather, the soil was quite claggy, making sieving hard work.

My back was kind of hurting as I was leaning over awkwardly & moving around from side to side. Worked 3 metres then tried to stand up - painful, but got there. Then tried to move a mini polytunnel (over the prepared bed and was hit with lots of pain - the bit of muscle that's where my hip joins with my spine. The polytunnel's really light - it was more the bending. I must have looked like a pained flamingo for a bit as I couldn't put my left foot down on the ground. Very painful journey home. Spent the afternoon flat on my back. It eased off enough in the evening to be able to cook (B&J came over for dinner) and later, to be able to sit down to eat.

This morning, it's OK but still feels delicate so we have scrapped bike ride plans. Might go for a gentle wander later on - depending on Husband's ankles (we are such invalids!).

Still, it's motivation to actually try out the pilates DVD I bought last week - my core muscles are obviously in a shabby condition atm. Might leave it for a couple of days to recover!

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