It's great up hills - and even better down 'em. OK so I'm still a wimp, but the ESNB handles beautifully - tree roots are a breeze! We went out briefly on Saturday - just 5km to & from pub to check it was all OK. On Sunday, we did a 31km route from the house with Husband, M & C that I was really pleased with - 700m of ascent with some fab downhills in the second half. A horsey woman seemed dischuffed that we were cycling on a bridleway - sad that she didn't know her rights of way.... No punctures!
Other than that little lot, not much to report. We went for a late night beach wander on Wednesday
evening as I needed to relax. Gym on Thursday - introduced some incline to my treadmill 5k as well as using the lat pull machine and doing 15 mins on the x trainer. Watering at the allotment on Friday.
Skating tonight was mixed - I'm struggling with crossovers down to having rubbish balance. G has beeen a complete star & taken both our skates away to be sharpened - much, much appreciated!
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