Sunday, 15 April 2007

April or August?

Lovely run with A on Saturday - 44 mins to do just over 5K off road. A cycled up - her halo was bright and shiny! It was a beautiful morning, the woods were beautiful - thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Followed this with a couple of hours digging - prep for planting seedlings - including tomatoes [v. brave - or v.foolish - for April].

10 mile ride this morning at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park - some very steep bits including one downhill bit that I wussed out of. A had problems with her gears - I think a wiggle order will be happening chez M&A this evening.
Fabulous weather - can't believe that it's only April!
Lots of bluebells flowering now - even honesty has started now!
We had a picnic afterwards close to the visitor centre.
Took 3 binbags full of my recently too big clothes to the clothing bank today - I don't think I can afford to put the weight back on now! The wardrobe is looking half full as opposed to its normal overflowing state - but I'm sure that that's temporary....

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