My exercise journal - keeping this blog updated helps me to stay motivated and achieve my goal of becoming a more active bird. Perhaps!
I've discovered that I'm not a big Klimt fan - ditto Schiele. Liked a Julian Opie exhibition I went to with Kitty at MAK, loved the laid back Museums Quartier, enjoyed art from Faroe Islands that was in the basement of the Leopold Museum, loved the hotel (Das Triest - stylish, comfy, powerful showers, quiet rooms, good looking receptionist), liked beer from a microbrewery and cocktails at film festival, flatpack hat from M&S was successful, enjoyed a v.civilised slice of sachertorte with Kitty in a beautiful palm house.... even Husband who hates city breaks enjoyed the weekend.
Quote for weekend came from Kitty "why have they messed up our hotel booking, moved us to a great, stylish hotel with minimal hassle, fed us for free - why us??!!"
Have I done it?
Yup. I’m pretty slow, but I run about once a week outside.
4/5 – It’s been great to jog & chat.
3/5 – Almost any place, anytime, anywhere and mapmyrun.com has been a good source of ideas for routes. However, I don’t like running alone in the dark in winter and I also dislike hot weather – I’d rather be rained on!
Calories per 5 mins:
60 calories (based on my weight & speed), 360 for a 30min run
Fun Factor?
3/5 - Events are fun, but training is less so unless running with a buddy! Ipod helps a lot as does my Forerunner.
Big Mac Index: under 42mins
Other Runners:
· Runners World magazine & website – includes listings of races
· http://www.womensrunningnetwork.co.uk/
· http://www.mapmyrun.com/
· “Running Made Easy” – Susie Whalley and Lisa Jackson
No hangover, but I was very reluctant to leave my duvet today. Did the HCC Cheesefoot Head ride with Husband, Kitty and Goldfish. We were harassed by a manky looking werdly brave magpie in the carpark who seemed to enjoy pecking husband's tyres!
30km route & a useful training session for the South Downs Way which we plan to tackle in a couple of weeks. T-shirt number 2 was one of the Paramo tops that Mum & Dad gave me for birthday and it seemed to do the job well - breathable, comfy & was less pongy than I expected afterwards. Another good opportunity to get used to the pack I'll be using on SDW.