Anyway, I only pedalled to work 3 days last week as it was Bank Holiday on Mon & we had Friday booked off so we could go to my ex colleague C's wedding in Stirling. Lots of allotmenting on Monday - 3 hours of weeding made easier by lots of rain earlier - typical BH weather! More rain on Thursday evening meant that I arrived home literally dripping! My shoes are still wet today! Body combat on Wed, but overall, a fairly laid back week.
C & R's wedding was great - didn't know many people but everyone was really friendly which made it a fab evening as well. C looked stunning - strapless long gown with corst type effect down the back. R was kilted as were most of the blokes. Immaculate venue - a sandstone manor house in beautiful grounds complete with peacocks! Lots of good food, lots of alcohol. Boogied in the evening to a very versatile band - mixing Dolly Parton, the Proclaimers & some trad Scottish tunes - even Husband danced. Very impressed that my shoes only caused low level agony (strappy wedges with a heel). Our moves were put to shame by very talented young Irish dancers. We called it a day when the band did at 1am.
We then played tourist - quite a bit of walking which eventually took its toll on Husband's ankles. Stirling Castle was interesting & the day kind of went by easily- beautiful weather meant far reaching views. In the photo, the big peak on the left is Ben Lomond which I walked up in 1989 whilst on a field trip!
Stayed in Leith on Sat night & walked half a mile across cobbles in strappy wedges to restaurant - this time, my feet really did hurt! Pint consumed sitting on a pontoon followed by a good seafood meal - see what I mean by calories??
Sunday - more walking around the Royal Botanic Gardens - but the weather finally broke whilst we were ambling around the glasshouses. It did mean that we almost had the place to ourselves in the afternoon!
Cycled in today & went to gym tonight in a vain attempt to offset the excesses.... 10mins x trainer then 30mins intervals. Husband swam but his lungs aren't completely over the cold he had last weekend.
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