Sunday 9 September 2007

Legs are tired out!

Increased the interval speeds on Friday at the gym - now doing 30 mins at 9.5/11.5 kph. Tiring, but did it! Also did 20 mins on X trainer and 2 weights machines.

Ran on Saturday afternoon - 10K for the first time in over a year! Husband was my coach - cycling alongside giving me feedback on my speed - it made a real difference and he seemed to enjoy it even though it meant he was cycling very very slowly! I did it in about 65 mins. So I now feel much more confident about the Bealieu 10K I've signed up for on 7th Oct. I felt a bit achey afterwards so we walked to the pub to keep the muscles moving.

Cycling today - with Husband, M & M. We did the full 24 mile Danebury HCC route for the first time. Some great views from Broughton Down - reached after a tough climb to get on top of the hill! Husband had 2 punctures - fortunately, the 2nd was only found after the ride when he was unloading the bikes.

Hawthorn berries - loads this year. One bit of bridleway had red walls - created by the berries! Lots of sloes too - tempted to do sloe gin again this year. Less pleasant was Husband having to dispatch a bunny in the last stages of mixy - I'm really proud that he can't bring himself to just leave a rabbit in that condition to suffer.

Anyway, thoroughly good ride - first we've done with M for a while as he's had major hand problems. Good to see M too - just got back from a very peasant late lunch at C & M's new house.

My legs are really aching now!

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