Friday 22 May 2009

Swimming with Potential

Every time I go swimming, I vow to swim a bit more often in order to perfect this head-in-the-water malarkey. And then don't swim for a good month or so!

Tonight was no exception. I'm getting better, but not as quickly as I think I would if I managed to get my bum in the pool a bit more frequently! I can either breathe or count lengths - not both. Appreciated some coaching from Husband at the end which led to 3 much faster lengths - and tired me out completely. The technique is to bring up my head from my shoulders, not from my neck. And to do this, my arms need to push down more - he described it as doing a press up. All very effective, but I have very little upper body strength - I can't do a single press up on land!

Still, it did highlight that I can get some real benefit from swimming so I vow to go more often. Again!

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