Short & sunny
QE Country Park with Husband, Goldfish, Captain Chaos & D. We did the mountain bike trail - or rather the guys did it all, I covered some on the bike & some on foot - I need to get braver! We then did the HCC route, getting back to the carpark in time for D to scoot off to a rugby match. So only 17km, but the first section on the trail took some time. I had a flint puncture earlier on & the boys played on an "interesting looking doofah" (technical phrase!) whilst Husband fixed it for me. Today's pic is of CC's final successful attempt to mount it - steeper than it looks - having fallen off initially & has some weird support thing going on with D & Goldfish that I'm not sure about! The chalky impossible hill remains a steep walk downhill for me, but I'm pleased that a 3rd name is added to the shortlist of those who've descended it - D, Husband & M. Brie & Bacon baguette in the cafe in the sunshine afterwards.
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