Good allotment stint on Saturday with Husband and Goldfish - solid 4 hours of digging over the broad beans bed & planting out the leeks in their place, lots of weeding & watering.
We went to QE Country Park this morning with Goldfish & did the HCC circuit we've done a few times before but with a difference at the start where we spent about an hour on the "proper" mountain bike course - really enjoyed the single track but confirmed that:
- I am rubbish at steep uphills where tree roots are involved
- I am also rubbish at hair pin downhills
I was really disappointed that I still can't do the steep chalk downhill stretch near Ditching. On a more positive note, I was pleased with some of my downhills on the main course. Husband was really good - esp on the downhills (no surprise).
The hare-y moment was Husband's. He was waiting for Goldfish & me to chicken our way down the track at Ditching with his bike leaned up against a fence. Hare appears, goes up to sniff bike, studies Husband, and vanishes again.