Tuesday 29 January 2008

Give Blood, Spend 650 Cals

I've failed miserably to find out if my extreme rubbishness at the gym last Thursday was connected to giving blood the day before. Lots of websites are keen to emphasise that your body replaces the fluid loss very quickly, but I can't find anything that tells me how long it takes it to manufacture replacement red blood cells. I did find out that it burns 650 cals!

Anyway, tonight was a bit better at the gym. I managed my 30 mins at 10/12 2 minute intervals & although it's still tiring, my recovery time is decreasing. Also did 15 mins x training - together with cycling to/from work, I don't feel too guilty about having fish & chips tonight.

Cycled yesterday too - so my new cycling cumulative total is 206.65km. Running total is 18.5km.

Skating - I enjoyed it, but it was so busy - new year resolution factor, people following up on enjoying a mini outdoor rink at Xmas plus dancing on ice back on telly combination! Our coach decided to teach 2 girls who'd turned up too late for the 8pm class so was split with 3 levels - not ideal.

Whilst I was out, Husband fixed my work bike - the bottom bracket was sounding its death rattle as it was badly corroded. He did co-opt M at one point. It's running beautifully now!

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