Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Finished tonight's runs with a warm top half, but frozen from the waist down! It was so cold that the Panda's windscreen was already icing up when I set off home. It's been a bit uneven with WRN this week - 1 advanced, many Monday standards, 2 Tuesday standards and just 3 beginners. It is spurring me to actually do some marketing which I've let slip a bit of late. Given that I'm more of a career marketeer than I am career runner, you'd probably expect otherwise! Some of my laxness is down to confidence - can't quite bring myself to do a press release, even though it's well within my skill set.
I try to convince myself that communicating too slickly would be counter productive - but I'm so so far off slick atm. Pretty far off competent to be honest.
Pedalling to work has been great - Husband has serviced my commuter bike & I can really spot the difference. He also had to sort out the bike shed lock today after I managed to reset the combination without realising - a blonde (dyed) moment.

1 comment:

Mrs B said...

The One Advanced really enjoyed her run!