Wednesday 21 May 2008

To wii or not to wii......

Tried out X's wii fit last night - very good of her to let me try it out. And she & Captain Faff fed us - really enjoyed the evening. I am sorely tempted - loved the yoga (of which I'm not normally a fan) and the strength stuff. Husband loved the slalom skiing game. Running was very odd though - on the spot but trying to keep up with somebody! It does have potential to help me - you can just do a few moves here & there - great when I don't have 2 hours to drive to gym, work out, drive home, shower.

Minuses - S & X have a huge screen and I'm not sure we have any wall space in which to install one! More to the point, I have to consider if I'd use it. My only other living room exercises have never taken off - yoga mat hasn't been touched for at least a year, and I still haven't tried out my pilates dvd. I think it would suit people who find time &/or leaving the house is a major issue - Baby Sister for example.

Still - good to try new things!

Gym on Monday - 10 mins x training, 30 mins interval work, shoulder press. Body combat tonight.

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