Wednesday 15 August 2007

Tardy Blogger

I've been a bit remiss of late - nearly a week since I last blogged....

Bike ride from the house on Friday night - much more fun than the gym. On Saturday, I had another brief ride - Eastleigh & back to get some shopping.

I worked harder on Sunday than I think I ever have before! Went sea kayaking with Husband with a group from Keyhaven salt marshes near Lymington for my birthday treat.

We've done it before - Abel Tasman in NZ was fab and we enjoyed kayaking over a Roman city in Turkey on our honeymoon. I tried to focus on getting my technique better - learning where to place the paddle blades and how to manoeuvre something that really wants to go in a straight line.

The weather was a bit mixed - but the sun came out - eventually - and so did the wind after lunch - harder and earlier than expected. Husband fell out of his boat getting into it in the afternoon and twisted his side nastily. He tried to carry on, but the pain was too much & he had to pull out. He then had the deep joy of lugging a kayak about a mile to get to the nearest road so he could be picked up later.

Meanwhile, I paddled on - should have been easy as it was with the tide, but it was against the wind which was a stronger influence. And wind over tide = choppy! Hard, hard work - the instructor ended up towing one girl!

I love being out on the water and I enjoyed the challenge of paddling for 6 hours-ish in tricky conditions. Saw lots of birds - egrets, geese, oystercatchers, lapwings and curlews. Good views of Hurst Castle & the Isle of Wight.

I'm keen to go again but (understandably) Husband is less keen. I'll just have to book myself onto a trip on a day when he is otherwise engaged!

And boy, how I ached on Monday! Especially my thighs! So weirdly, I skated really well. We did stepping into forwards from backwards - which wasn't a problem - and continued to work on backwards chassis.

Body Combat tonight was ace - first time in 2 or 3 months. Cheesiest music was Alice Cooper Schools Out and I also enjoyed My Chemical Romance towards the end. My abs complained about being worked for the first time in ages...

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