Sunday, 7 February 2010

Walk free ride

No walking today! But this is a good thing as we were on a bike ride in the Forest. Husband & I did the uber loop - a 39km perimeter of our regular Forest rides, completed in 2:55 of pedalling. I am feeling happy about not resorting to walking on a slippery, sticky stretch where the week's rain had made an impact. And happy about actually pedalling all the way up a slope where I've always resorted to pushing my bike in the past. It's just after the tunnel under the dual carriageway (often full of horses, but not today) with a gravel short and steep stretch just as you come out. Perhaps this compensates for my miserable performance at the gym on Friday - and maybe for the chocolate dessert I had last night with ice cream.
My bike is broken though - front brake was scraping from the outset, making progress a tad more challenging. And about halfway around, my front wheel started making metallic twangy noises. Husband has diagnosed a broken bearing in the front wheel - and I have no idea, so he must be right!

I definitely prefer bike rides where the ride is the point of the day - not just an obligatory piece of exercise to be squeezed in somehow/sometime. I like being able to focus on enjoying myself, not worrying about getting back in time to hit the supermarket. And a mug of tea from the thermos is a lovely way to round off a day in the Forest.

I was in domestic mode yesterday - 7 jars of seville orange marmalade and we cooked for Kitty & Goldfish which was an op to discuss allotment plans for the year. Domesticity may recommence in a sec as I've found a recipe for my spare oranges....

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