Saturday, 27 February 2010

My Swimming Coach

Top 40 number 14 - swim a mile of "proper" head-in-water breaststroke - completed this evening with some great support from Husband. As usual, I was on length 35 when he completed his 50, and I was expecting him to adjourn to the spa pool to wait for me to do the 64 lengths that I needed to do for my challenge. But instead, he coached me - helped me to keep my pace going & ended up doing a total of 85 lengths himself! Very much appreciated.
I have swum a mile before - and it used to take me over an hour. This time, it was around 42 minutes - demonstrating how much better my technique is.
I was more aware of how warm the pool was than of getting tired at the end - but I can really feel my arm muscles now! Legs are fine, but they are more used to being punished.

We went straight out afterwards to meet M & C's beautiful new baby girl. We were definitely dehydrated from the warm pool as the first drinks kind of vanished! And Husband didn't recoil in horror when I mentioned that perhaps I could progress to front crawl next (can only do doggy paddle atm!).

And number 25 was also completed today. Front room is now complete with new flooring, stripey rug - and the attached pic is a print I've had for about 6 years that's finally been framed! 15th century Iranian tiger that I loved at an exhibition about the silk road....

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