Wednesday 18 July 2007

Flushed with over enthusiasm

[Assume geordie accent] It's day 3 of the Big D and FatBird is in the diary room...

After 6 weeks of being not-very-well-behaved (to be honest it all wemt to pot end of April), I'm back on the Big D, happily obsessing about calories in vs calories out again. Rediscovering the joys of cherry tomatoes and finding a few new pleasures (free melon wedges at work are a huge help!). Husband is being very supportive, weighing butter & measuring oil when cooking tonight.

Exercise - really enjoyed the jog after work in the forest last night. 33:15 which included 2 gates, 1 stile and a very boggy bit. I guess that if L, V & I were proper trail runners, we'd have ploughed through the middle with no regard for getting cars muddy afterwards! No show from the boys - how not surprising.

Gym tonight - felt really good on the treadmill to the point where I'm going to play around with the speed next time. 15 mins on the X trainer and the incline chest press machine.

Flushed with over enthusiasm post RFL, I've signed up for a 10K in October at Beaulieu:

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