27.3km route from South Wonston, followed by a quiz and "gala" dinner with awards ceremony at Pizza Express. S & X are still enjoying their Christmas colds and Kitty had other plans - so it was Husband, Goldfish, C, M & me.
We scooted around in just over 2 hours. Progress was speeded by lack of mushy mud - freezing temperatures (-1oC at the start) have transformed tracks into weirdly freeze dried bumpy routes with the occaisional mud puddle. See the pic of iced up duck pond at Crawley. I think I should have planned in some more extreme hills as my legs were freezing up towards the end. I enjoyed listening to the others specualting about what the quiz questions might be - I think M was trying to count the sheep at one point!
Awards for Mountain Biking in 2008 :
Whippet Award for being first up the hills - M
Lemming Award for being first down the hills - Husband
Virgin Trains award for punctuality - S
Guinea Pig Award for best en route squealing - C
Domestic Goddess award for the best biking accessory crafting - Kitty
Hippo Award for mud appreciation - Goldfish
Canadian Mountie Award for always carrying on, whatever the pain - X
And Husband won the quiz. Kitty and X both scored more than Goldfish - even though neither of them came on the ride the questions were based on!
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