Then further up to Cumbria to Middle Sister's home near Kendal.
We went paddling today on Windermere with Middle Brother In Law (MBIL??) and toddler nephew C. The plan was to use our inflatable, with MBIL using his lovely big "proper" canoe. but we worked out it would be quicker to set up and easier to keep C entertained on the water if we all went in the proper canoe. Husband in the back providing power, MBIL in teh middle proving local knowledge and skills advice and me in the front doing what I was told (for once!). C was extremely well behaved - he got excited about seeing a steam train. I was more excited by a red breasted merganser swimming along with her brood of ducklings. Getting canoe envy now - I think we may be getting a proper one if we ever get a garage for it to live in!
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