Thursday 23 August 2007

Anger Management

It's not been an easy week - but as I've been finding over the last year, exercise has been helping me keep at least a little sanity going!

Skating with G on Monday - still loving it! The ice had just been cut and was so fast - even my slaloms weren't grinding to a halt. And I reckon G is getting so close to executing the seemingly impossible 3 turn...

Body Combat on Wed gave me a much needed opportunity to punch and kick. Hard. I got changed en route to the gym as I was late out of work and the M27 was solid - almost impressed myself with my ability to change into gym gear, hardly flashing anybody in the process!

We were going to have a wander in the woods tonight but Husband's ankle was playing up. He made tea whilst I ran instead - very mood enhancing seeing the fields, the sunset and a couple of deer. I ran well (I think - wasn't timing) and felt that my stride has lengthened, my speed's increased and my stamina is good. I shouldn't let myself get so cross with stuff - I can go running from my home & see beautiful landscape, get home to Husband - what more do I need?

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